Realistic Horse Skeleton WIP JL

Yes that is exactly what I mean :wink:

I am currently starting on a few animal like the Horse.

I also want to do a puma (feline) and a wolf (Canine), a bear, maybe more like a moose or a ram or maybe a bison.

I’ll probably also do some kind of ape either a chimp or a gorilla, or both.

Then I’ll do a few birds like a crow, hawk, eagle, crane or maybe all.

I will probably also do some creatures like dragon, wyvern, deamon, etc…

And I’ll do human male and female.

Its a huge study that I am under taking and then I’ll create a complete course of the process of how to do so and use all those to support the overall theory or anatomy as well as how to rig in that way for higher realism.

I do plan on selling all those models and rigs on the blender market when done as well.

Here is an example of the type of rig I’ll do with all these: Raptorex