Recent works

Here are some recent works of mine created with Blender and cycles. Also a bit of comping in photoshop


It’s nice to see your new stuff. I’ve been missing your posts. Fantastic and sweet work as always. And the last one is something completely different. Very nice also.

Unique! :slight_smile:

Woow !! They looks absolutely amazing. Can you post the wireframe for these ??

i dig your style so much dude! awesome work!

Been a while since your last pictures hasn’t it ? Dope as usual !


I like everything about that locomotive thingy, the “smoke” reminds me of lava lamps. Very fresh and joy to look at. Awesome!

Very creative and well executed!

Awesome stuff as always!

Amazing as usual!! Beautiful!!

Very cool work, well done!

amazing… this is the type of art i aspire to.

thanks for the comments guys!

So bright and happy! Even that last robot has the cute eyes happening. :slight_smile: Thanks for posting!

Awesome stuff! Where’s a like button when you need one?

The first two - i love them, even though they hurt my eyes a little bit. ) The third is great too, the only thing - wires at the bottom of the robot are pretty… blocky. Great works!

The robot image appears to really stand out, because while the model itself has the usual charm and sophistication expected of your work, the perlin noise background ends up being jarring in comparison.

The visible polygon edges in the wires also appear to be odd, as such a thing is very uncommon in your work unless a low-poly look is intended.

Thanks for the comments guys

regarding the robot, i have other renders with a more complete robot, but something about this one appeals to me.I kept the low polly pipes because i just like the look. I like to mix simple geometric shapes with more complex refined shapes.

Here are a few other pics


love your colors and lighting. Especially in that train scene! :slight_smile:

Wow these are really good. How do you come up with ideas like these?