Reformating BSod

Hi malCanDo.
My plan is to put all of the BSOD docs into PDFs.

I still have half of then to make (i’m using just my weekends), and one of them is yours.

Wait for news!

By the way, thank you very much for making such a good doc!

CutePDF Writer is a free printer driver for Windows. It works great in most cases but there are times where images overlap text or margins. I’m not sure if Linux has something like this.

OpenOffice can very easy export document to PDF file :).

I’m in this moment updating the BSOD wiki’s first page with the offline versions (PDF and Blend files, if there are some). As soon as i complete more, i’ll put them online.

P.S. For the BSOD creators, if you do some changes or updates to your text, please send me a PM, so i can update the offline version. If you see something that you want to see changed, send me a PM. If you want the ODT files, send me a PM. Thank you all for this fantastic lessons!


“Introduction to the Game Engine” PDF version added to the wiki BSOD page.

Wavez, is it possible to update the missing parts of this page? like the (To: ; Lock: ; Max/Min: )

It would be good to have the constraints fully documented.:slight_smile:

After a month (have been busy), here it is another BSOD transformed in a PDF. This time is Robert Christian (wavez) work, Introduction to Rigging!
It as some incomplete parts, like the Hand Rig, but it’s already a very big help to the subject.

My very big “thank you” to wavez for this wonderfull tutorial (hope you have the time to finish it).