RELEASED | OmniStep - A Scriptable First Person Controller

It is Released!

:red_square: More info here: :red_square:

:yellow_square: Blender Market | Gumroad :yellow_square:


OmniStep is a Blender add-on that provides a scriptable first-person controller. It is an interactive animation and prototyping tool, offering a built-in game loop and optional scripting for more complex interactions.

Why This Exists

I always wanted to be able to walk and fly through my Blender scenes, experiencing them the same way I would be able to in a game engine. While Blender has its basic ‘Walk Navigation’ feature, it is far from what I had in mind - so I wrote OmniStep.

What It Can Do

OmniStep is a highly customizable and scriptable first-person controller comparable to AAA games in terms of movement mechanics, collision response, and input handling. With its ability to record movement and player actions, it can be used to create shots that would otherwise involve a lot of manual animation work. This includes walkthroughs and extremely smooth fly-throughs.

With its customizable walk and fly modes, a smart collision system, spawn points, and scripting support, it simplifies level prototyping, making Blender an even more versatile tool for game development and provides artists with an intuitive new way to experience their works.

  • First-Person Movement:
    • Full control over player parameters
    • Settings for gravity, speed, acceleration, friction, air-control, and more
    • Motion damping for stairs and uneven terrain
  • Fly Mode:
    • Fully physics-based movement
    • Settings for acceleration, friction, etc.
    • Mouselook and radial control functionality
    • Optional collisions
  • Camera Functionality:
    • Support for camera rigs with physics, constraints, etc.
    • Customizable banking and motion damping
    • Customizable focal length
  • Collision System:
    • Capsule-based collision detection
    • Utilizes a BVH-tree, capable of handling millions of triangles
    • Supports instanced collection and linked library collision
    • Selective inclusion or exclusion of collections
    • Partial dynamic collisions using the scripting module
    • Prevents endless falling by reusing last ground contact
  • Recording:
    • Camera motion recording
    • Loop recording
    • Buffered recording (recording without timeline playback)
  • Scripting:
    • Add new functionality through user-written scripts
    • Exposed game loop method
    • Automatically expose parameters in UI panels
    • Access to player parameters and the collision system
  • Customizable Settings:
    • Input smoothing options
    • Customizable keymaps and Gamepad mappings
    • Gamepad support for Windows (XInput)
    • Mouse settings including sensitivity and invert Y-axis
    • Custom N-panel placement
    • Framerate independence with support for 120+ Hz
    • Choice of scale settings: metric, imperial, and free
  • Additional Features:
    • Teleportation mechanic
    • Empties as spawn points

OmniStep supports all platforms and Blender versions from 3.6 LTS up to the current 4.2. It has been tested on macOS, Linux and Windows.


The collision system is tailored for static geometry and uses an underlying BVH-tree (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) for better performance in heavy scenes. This allows OmniStep to handle collisions with millions of triangles in real-time, but it comes with a trade-off: it does not support animated geometry by default. Animated objects can be excluded to avoid ‘ghost’ collisions.
Using the scripting module, dynamic collisions can be enabled on dedicated object.

Add-on Compliance

This add-on is fully self-contained, does not include any external libraries, does not directly interact with the file-system and operates entirely offline. It does not register with any application handlers and does not leave behind any residual data in the Blender scene, except for its settings configuration. The sidebar panel can be optionally nested under the ‘Tool’ tab to maintain a clean UI.

Future Plans
  • Additional Demo Scenes showcasing UserScripts
  • VR support
  • Ability to attach scripts to individual Blender objects
  • Expanded gamepad support (currently limited to XInput gamepads on Windows)
  • Port OmniStep to Unity, Godot, or Three.js

It’s been ages since someone has improved the basic functionality such as “FPP view”.

I look forward to testing this whenever It’s released.

Non-jittery stairs traversal would be very nice to have :+1:

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  • Reworked the whole collider system. It catches nearly all edge cases.
  • Works with an bvh-tree in the background. You can throw millions of triangles at it
  • Still tweaking… its about right balance of control and believable physics

What did you render in?

oh! thanks for the info - i used some online converter… but it works here on chrome/safari/firefox… what are you using?

Would be possible to add the option to “spawn” the “FPS” camera from a selected Empty/Object? And it is possible to change the FOV?

The “drones generation” it’s a nice feature, I wonder if it can be translated into a movement path which could be used for animated objects like birds or trails of particles

spawning in empties sounds interesting - but may i ask why / what use case it has? as of now it just starts form whatever position the active viewport was in.

as far as options go, there will be plenty - i will start rewriting the whole thing now as it is just a single big python class and already a bit hard to work with.

this is the interface now, but many more things are not exposed yet and some others are yet to be implemented - e.g. defining a collection for player collisions…

Might be an issue on my side - Safari 16.5.2. Checked in another browser and this stuff is amazing. I’d have two wishes:

  1. That this is thoughtfully compatible with other input devices than a mouse and keyboard: d-pad, joystick, 3D (6DOF) controller, trackball, trackpad, …
  2. Teleportation.

I’d love to see it in Blender, but I’d pay for it as an addon too.


teleportation for sure,
joystick / controller is on the list of ‘nice to have’, but it might be a bit tricky with no native support - have to read up on the libraries and cross platform stuff

The scope of those “spawn points” is to give a quick look on a critical place(s) from a player’s POV. There’s a level design scenario that you need to re-touch a “room” tens if not thousand of times since the “feel” from that “room” must connect with the adiancent tilesets and general layhout, so using “spawn points” you skip the repetitive tedious process of moving the viewport on those exact places every single time.

Would be possible to define the height other than the collision?

the camera height can be adjusted, but the player collider has a specific aspect ratio to work well with stairs and slopes. and the overall player/physics scale can of course also be adjusted.
I will put the spawn points on my todo-list!

Collections as projectiles!
Uses an object pool for the live run and recording, keeping the final object count low

Might have some interesting use cases…


Very powerful tool for level design and layout. Can you parent a light to the FPS controller? Like medieval and modern torches.

of course! thats the video before - with the red light… you can parent a whole collection - a an animated cockpit / helmet etc etc…

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This looks super promising, cant wait to try it!!


thought i make a small update on the current state - specifically the UI part:

Some things are still missing, but its getting closer…
If anyone has ideas on what else to implement, let me know
One big part that is still to come is animation / linking of collections to the player (think cockpits, lights, huds, etc.)

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Since you already have some display options maybe add these:

  1. Toggle window fullscreen:


  1. Toggle fullscreen area:

  1. Option for field of view in degrees:


That way it will be possible to force fullscreen view with correct aspect ratio just for fps view. And field of view in degrees will save some time when converting from angles to mm.

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the fullsceen is planned, but i have problems with python - the context changes when doing the fullscreen, wreaking havoc on my internal data… havent found a workaround yet.

the mm/° is trickier… blenders view mm are ‘wrong’ since forever - the 28 mm are not corresponding to any sensible value when you set up a camera with the same values (sensor fit vertical or horizontal makes no difference.)
The reason might be that blenders viewport does some magic and switches between vertical and horizontal fov to look best at all aspect ratios… but the bottom line is: the mm value (or deg °) is not meaningful in any way:

While this is technically a bug, i never reported it, because i think this is the intended behaviour - it kinda looks right when you assume a square sensor in the camera (36x36mm)

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small things, but they matter: Motion Damping with an Critically Damped Harmonic Oscillator

in the advanced section the user can define the spring constants for xy and z:

This has a big effect on stairs, and any kind of small perturbance of the ground, as well as impacts from free-fall or hitting a wall…