Remesh Modifier on Text create holes

I use a remesh modifier on a bevel text to curve it.
It works fine, but for printing, I need the letter touch eachother.

And I get a hole ;(

!!! I dont want to convert my letters in spline or mesh because I need to edit it, but when I convert my text in mesh, I get the same pb : Remesh modifier create a hole with ‘overlaping’/‘cover’ in a mesh.

Thanx a lot for your help

covering.blend (625.1 KB)

There are some limitations with the current remesh and boolean modifiers.

If you put a solidify 0.02 thickness and -0.5 offset on top of the modifier stack it sort of fills the holes, something to play with maybe, add a displace or something to fix the inflation.

The idea is to do anything throwing off the algorithm that has a hard time dealing with overlapping co-planar surfaces

It’ll be tricky to deal with stuff like this procedurally until we get everything nodes, or the fixes to the boolean/remesh.

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Great, it sounds good :wink: I tried all the modifiers one by one, but i didn’t think to add a solidy modifier. It works.

As you said, the best way was to write the text in illustrator, apply a ‘pathfinder’ ( kind of boolean) and import the text in svg in blender. and it works perfectly !!! :heart_eyes:


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