Requesting Tutorials? - Ask here!

I need help please. I’am currently trying to model a pigface basinet helm and I just can’t figure it out if somene knows of a site that deals with medieval things or if they could create a tutorial on that specific think I would be greatful thanks.

There was a tutorial on how to model “Marvin” from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
But i can’t find it anymore and iam not sure if it was made with blender especially or with Max or Maya. So maybe someone of you knows where to find it?
Thanks so far.

A tutorial for applying materials would be nice… Ive had a helluva time figuring it out.

any one no where to find a tutorial on how to make a castle?..or a wall turret…?

The only fluid sim type I know is of Domain-Inflow but I neeeeeeed a tutorial on how to make water that moves with all water types without any pouring!Like, basic.Already there!

A bike tire tutorial, how to do the tread.

Hi there,

I would like to find a tutorial on how to go upon making an aquarium for noobs?

Why aquarium? It’s just a box that you expand the top (the value is 0), scale it to 0.9 (or whatever), and expand it downward until it almost touch the base. Sure you don’t want coral? Goldfish? I can’t do both of them.

I’m looking for a full body human modeling tutorial that utilize the smallest amount of vertice and doesn’t use subsurf modifier. Japanese Anime style character too if possible. Can anyone help me? Thanks anyone!

Well this is request a tutorial, so can someone please assist?

Does anyone know of a typewriter tutorial? I’ve looked but I can’t anything. I was hoping for something early 80’s.


Ok I have two tutorial requests:

  1. How to create environment maps? Want to get the right things to reflect when using raytracing. Not just using bland colors in the envmaps.
  2. Prodedural Texturing…or w/e. Advanced Texturing techniques, a good technique which isn’t tedious.
    Now, I looked for an envmap tutorial, couldn’t find one. As for Proc. Texturing? I dont know. If there is one, send me a link. :smiley:


This is a little dated, so some of the icons and panels will be different, but the concepts are the same.

As for procedural textures, this is one of the best places to start:

Best of Luck!

Hey I am looking for a tutorial aswell about how to make a sphere transparent?
Like a see through uvsphere and i want to add static shocks onto it but when i use ray mirrior and ray transparent it doesnt even go see through.Any tutorials for this?


Best of Luck!

Thank you.
Um does anyone know any force field tutorials i need to learn that please?
A force field more like a powerful one.I want to leanr that thanks

An update about my tutorial request, anyone ever watch Appleseed or play Shin Megami Tensei series (especially Nocturne and Persona 3) or .hack series? I want to make that kind of model (looks simple) so can anyone show me some steps on this? I seem to remember someone who’ve made those things with Blender. Thanks.

I really hope I got it before it got left pages behind and lost in tracks. Seriously, it’s always hard for me to post requests. Kinda made me feel like I’m one of the insensitive-greedy-needy human in this world.

please i need a tutorial where we explicate how to modulate a human head! thx

i know wierdhat came out with the composite tutorial for blender but its to confusing when he gets to the video part and hes using the old version of blender so using the new version is hard to compare with the old one so if someone could make a EASY video composite tutorial for blender that would be nice !!!

can someone make or post a link to a tutorial that tells you how to add armatures to models

or a download site where they have free human models and already have armatures

or maybe can someone give me script

@kmccmk9 has free armatured human models. I’m sure there’s a tutorial about adding armatures to a model in and I can’t script, haven’t read “Learning Python” e-book yet.