Resilience Satelle

Hey opusgeo!
Thanks, by commenting alone you are already being part of it :slightly_smiling_face:

I had seen your work featured here on Blender artists previously, and just now I’ve checked some of the others that I hadn’t seen. I’ve loved your work! Awesome style! :smiley:

For Resilience Satelle there are many things were low poly characters would be awesome to have:

  • boat drivers
  • fisherman
  • people to fill in both towns
  • balloon passengers

Unfortunately, at this moment, we don’t have any budget for freelancing work, but, if we eventually find some, I’ll find you to ask if you still have interest… although I’m only good at working, I am not good at finding budgets, so… :sweat_smile:

Best regards


Hey you. Thank you for your kind words. I am trying :slight_smile: I admire what you do. My wife is really into 3D. I hope I can find time and chance to do what your doing with my wife. We also have cool ideas :slight_smile: keep it going man!

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Awesome! When you start your project please pm me the link that I would like to follow it :grinning:

Right, “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” … :face_with_monocle: No…:rofl: but these do have Stars on it:

They are from Nasa, so I guess they are accurate :grin:

Does anyone know a way, old or new, in any software to add light to a scene without lamps or emission shaders? :thinking: … I just seem to need some king of spherical object with a shader that makes the textures it touches bright up… is that even possible!?

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image based lighting. thats one of the big things with eevee.

an hdri is used to generate main scene lighting, and various probes are used to create area approximated reflections and light bounces to simulate a raytraced global illumination. (also known as PBR)

Hey Daedalus_MDW,
Thanks for your help! Yup, that is what I’m doing now (except I’m using Real-Sky instead of a HDRi but works the same), but baking of the light has to be done in the end of everything is made, you can’t change the lights and the resulting file, once saved with the baked light, has more than 1Gb.

Well… In my quest for a lights without lights… I’ve made an Halo material :rofl:

The damn thing actually kind of works :confused:

But looks very funny on the solid shading:

But it’s undeniable that kind of improves the default bloom appearance :thinking:

I’ve attempted to bake the lighting, but it makes the file open using 31 Gb of Ram… I only have 32 lol
…anyway… if they improved the Sonic in the Hollywood movie I’m sure I can solve this too :cowboy_hat_face:


Ok… once you start thinking more like an Hollywood technician and less like a civil engineer you actually start getting reasonable results and only with 20 lamps + fake halos + Eevee Bloom:

All was looking just pretty nice:

…Until :roll_eyes: :pensive: you notice that the Halo Spheres become noticeable when they are in front of Volumetric clouds. Now you don’t see them:

Now you do:

Nothing like a good puzzle :cowboy_hat_face: …for tomorrow, see you then!

Humm! :face_with_monocle:

…Actually may not be a bad thing at all… at least not from all angles…


:astonished: Ladies and Gentleman… I trust that :face_with_monocle: I’ve achieved… The Night :triumph:

The stars now twinkle, are in high defenition, there is a moon (it’s a real moon, a sphere, for fine tuning of it position), that somehow it actually reflects on the water and with an halo and everything (now that I’ve discovered the halos I want to put them in every object :rofl: )


Hello guys!

Today I finished one more house in the Moget’s village and i also finished the whole wooden walkway.
I will start then on other objects.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I made the lantern to illuminate the Moget’s village.
I used a medieval style.
Tomorrow I will make the hook to put the lantern in the right places.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello Friends!
Hope you guys had a great Halloween! :cowboy_hat_face:
Today I’ve been improving the appearance of the sand during the low tide (please ignore the floating boats):

The goal was to have it in good resolution for close ups and without looking tilled from far away. it was achieved mixing two sand materials and a transparency map that blends it with the Island texture.

@Rute_Perdiz Those lanterns look awesome! :smiley:


…And some Seashells to place here and there as needed :slight_smile:

I actually brought them from the beach, back in 2009 and modeled them using the original ones pictures.
Now I’ve just converted them to Eevee.


Hello guys!

Today I made the holders that will support the lanterns in the village.
I made two different models, one to put in the houses and another to put on the wooden treadmill.
They are all dark and gold iron in medieval style.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


I am loving the project ! :smiley: Rogper if you want i can 3d print one of the houses !

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:scream_cat: :star_struck: …Yes We Want :smiley: ! WOW thank you very much!
What do you need to make it happen? :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comment ricaxe! I’m very glad just for knowing that you’re following the project and even more that you are enjoying it!

I’ll ask @Rute_Perdiz which house she would like to see printed.

Best regards

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Hello friends,
Hope you guys had a great weekend,

Today I’ve made the rig for the windmill. There are some things that are better seen in motion and this one is just the case :slight_smile:
…To warm up here’s a very long, detailed and complex technical explanation :nerd_face::

Enough talking, let’s see the results:


Hello guys!

Today I bring you the sketch of another house to compose the Moget’s village.
I still just made the base, to know how it will be in size and height.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Today I’m on fire with screen captured videos :smirk_cat:
:roll_eyes: …As such, here goes one more featuring the making of the new smoke for the Lanterns:

The smoke is a combination of a 2D procedural material, that was adapted from the EMBER Procedural Fire Asset Pack (which is also present on the balloons fire), and an 3D object, animated by a procedural cloud material and the Displace modifier.

Until tomorrow, have a great night (or day)! :slight_smile:


Hello guys!

Today I finished modeling the house and started texturing.
As it is not a house that will be highlighted, I will not put many ornaments or details.
Tomorrow will be over and put on the scene!

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


…And I have been making the smoke on the chimneys:

…Looks better in motion :face_with_monocle: