Resilience Satelle

Hey there friends,
Noam, Shar and Moget are all ready for action :cowboy_hat_face:
They all have been updated from 2.79 to 2.81 and can now be imported to the scenes.

These guys have no limitation, they can do any pose and they can do it in the most clever way… they are at Disney + level… If the animation ends up to be lousy it wont be by these rigs fault :smile:


Hello guys!

Today I finished another house of the Moget’s village.
I put a few different ornaments so as not to be repetitive.
Tomorrow I will make a new object.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hello guys!

Today I started modeling another village house.
I tried a different design so that not all were repeated.
Tomorrow I hope I have finished to do so to texturize.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


…And I’ve added Foam to disguise the transitions between lake and waterfalls:
Solid shaded looks like this:

:thinking: It’s still not perfect but the basis are all there :slight_smile: …at least now is a bit more hard to tell were one object ends and the other starts, this is also animated, so it will work better in motion too.

This is the spaghetti that makes the shader, its all procedural:

It’s a derivation of the ones around the docks poles, but made to look good from far and not from close.

Best regards

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Hello guys!

Today I started texturing the house.
I tried my hardest to make it different using the objects I had already made.
Tomorrow it will be over, and I will placed in the scene.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello friends!
The Moget Town terrain got the same HQ treatment as the one in Noam Town.
It all began in Armory Paint were I mixed several PBR materials in one big 8K map (later downscale to 4K to save memory):

From the original 8K I’ve made an improved texture for the zone close of where the action will be, the lighter material here:

…just like on Noam Town :slight_smile:
Here’s the before and after:
Best regards


Hello guys!

Today I bring you the house already finished and placed on the scene.
Today, too, I have already started a new object but as I just made the base I will not publish.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I finished one more house for the village.
This one was quick to finish because it’s so much smaller, I thought that making it look simple would be better but I made sure to make it unique.
Monday I will start a new object.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I bring you one more house to the village.
It’s still in the beginning of modeling, but tomorrow I hope it’s already over.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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@Rute_Perdiz Looking promising the house :wink:

Me and Steven Seagull always were best buddies since the old Resilience Satelle… :roll_eyes:

:weary:…He hates me and I can’t stand him.

…Even so… it has to be ported for the current Resilience Satelle as he does have some importance (he considers him self the main character), so I’ve completed all it new bones again. The old armature was completely discarded as it was severally outdated (not relevant anymore). Now is again ready for action:

Next I’ll need to UV unwrap it so it can be painted again :slight_smile:

Best regards

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Hello guys!

Today I finished one more house. I managed to texturize and put it in the scene.
I decided to place the details in the bars that adorn the roof so as not to be so repetitive with the other houses.
Tomorrow I will start a new object.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Meanwhile I’ve unwrapped Steven Seagull:

And started the painting procedures:

:coffee: much to paint yet… :cowboy_hat_face:

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:warning: DANGER :warning:
Production Hat On

How to render for Stereoscopic 360º VR?

The big picture:

  • Stereoscopic 360º VR works by rendering two equirectangular panoramas, one for each eye, and placing them one on top of the other (after setup Blender does this automatically).


  • Youtube and Vimeo can encode 360º VR up to 8192 * 8192 resolution.
    8K seems to be very far in the future (at least for us), so let’s keep by the minimum for now, 4K. Following this, we get for each eye some staggering 4096 * 2048 pixels

NOW :face_with_monocle: Although this seems a lot… by the end user perception, it actually ain’t :thinking:
At a given time we don’t want to see the full panorama, we just want to see what is in front / left / right / back / top / bottom of us, depending the direction we are looking at :slight_smile:

…That means that, for each eye, the actual resolution we take from a 4K panorama is no more than 1024 * 1024 pixels. Considering that most of the desktop VR googles can play 1440 * 1600 per eye, 4K get’s a bit stretched… but not much. :thinking: There is no way we can render more than 4K on our current hardware.
…In fact I’m even considering rendering at 3840 * 3840 at 30 FPS, which would give a real resolution of 960 * 960 pixels at a given time.

…And it gets a bit worse :pensive:
The most common VR equipment people have ain’t the expensive desktop googles, but the cell phones ones, like Google Cardboard and such. As far I know, even the most modern and expensive cell phones can only play up to 3840 * 2160. so this is the actual maximum resolution for today common VR hardware:

Wich, following the above math, gives a real resolution of 540 * 540 per eye.
…People in cell phones will see Resilience Satelle like coming from a DVD… I used to see movies from a VHS tape, that was half of this, so it may work :roll_eyes:


Hello guys!

I have finished one more house.
Since it is identical to the house next door, I just had to make some adjustments because of the angle it is in. Then I just changed the adornments so as not to be a twin.
Tomorrow I start a new object.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello guys!

Today I started another house for the Moget’s village.
This is going to be a little tricky because it has a lot of different roofs and a difficult angle. But I think it will take shape.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Everything in Steven Seagull is a pain to do :pouting_cat:

Still much paint missing yet :coffee: :cowboy_hat_face:

…And he returned :pouting_cat:
I’m sorry for his mouth, he just doesn’t stop talking all the time and the quality of his speech hasn’t improved a thing… I apologize! :flushed:


Hello guys!

Today I finished the modeling of another house.
This was a little more difficult because of the angle and the fact that it has many different roofs.
I thought you shouldn’t put on too many ornaments so you wouldn’t give it an exaggerated air.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Here’s a small demo of the Steven Seagull rig, all made by good old me :slight_smile:

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Spoiler Alert: the antagonist unveiled! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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