Resilience Satelle

Thanks for the nice words ArtAvenue! We are very happy that you’re liking it! It will get better :slight_smile:

You surely have :grinning: just a tinny bit every day will get you far. It’s like planting a pine tree; grows just a little bit every day, seems stop at naked eye… but after some time it does become a full tree.

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Hello friends!
Today I’ve been testing the mithic Dilate/Erode compositing node, to give the things further away from the camera a painterly look. :thinking: It works… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but not 100% happy with it yet.
I’ve been using Volumetric fog (volume scatter), which does looks good, but takes forever to render, so I’ve too tested the “Mist pass” compositor alternative and it works too and blazing fast… in a bigger budget project I could use the “real” mist, but for the real life the mist pass will work just fine :slight_smile:

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Hello guys!

Today I finished modeling the buildings and started texturing. Monday is complete.
Then I will put some objects to compose the space.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Remember the clouds test I’ve made a few days ago? Today I’ve implemented them on the scenery:

What do you think? Will these work? :thinking:


looks fantastic and fits in the style quite snug!

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Hello Daedalus_MDW! Thanks! :smiley: :rainbow:
BTW I take the chance to explain that these clouds are actually small (small domain cube) but, because they are linked to scene, like all the other objects, I can then scale them to this size and they look just the same as in the small cube.
If you try to make clouds to cover 2 Km they will just be impossible to control due the very small scale of the noise.

Best regards,

Everything is coming along really great! The clouds give the whole scene a mystic atmosphere! Love the progress. :+1:

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Thank you very much hum-bee! :smiley:
Yes, I agree :slight_smile: these new clouds bring this place to life.

I wasn’t expecting this at all, I’ve linked the clouds to the scene (they are just a cube) and didn’t changed to rendered mode, pressed F12 straight from solid mode, so, when I saw the first render I was like:

“Humm… ok one more attempt (pressing render) same old, same old (waiting for render to complete)… Ok, almost ready, let’s see what needs to be changed… (render completes) Ho! Wait! What just happened here!!?”


Hello guys!

Today I bring you another evolution of the details of the shipyard.
I made a pulley in wood and the ornament on top of the building, in iron.
Tomorrow I will continue to make more objects that can characterize this type of building.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I bring you some details that I’ve placed in the shipyard that I have been doing.
Today I made a ladder, all of it in wood, and the pulleys that would be used to take merchandise products to the second floors.
Tomorrow I will elaborate some more objects that will serve as decoration for the building.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


wow! that looks even better than i imagined! and it was already my favorite building :heart_eyes:

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Wow, lots of details there! Lovely building.

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Thank you very much Daedalus_MDW! …And it is improving as I type :slight_smile:

Hey Meshmonkey! Thanks for your lovely comment! :slight_smile:

Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. :blush: :blush:

Meshmonkey thank you. It will get even better when it’s completely finished. :grin: :grin:

Hello guys!

Today I bring you some more details to complete the shipyard.
I made some rolled boat sails, as if they were arranged and some boxes and barrels to decorate.
I’ve placed a small boat, which still needs to be completed. Tomorrow I hope that this building is 100% ready.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hey there friends!
After Noam town I was curious to see how Moget town was looking.
Moget town has still a lot of stuff missing, but it already has all the houses of the front row, near the water, so… here it is:

Note that the shipyard house, that @Rute_Perdiz is working on, is portraited here still on an earlier version than the one posted above.

It’s now clear that clouds need a view layer just for them. Now I’m rendering all in one, but they will have a lot more control if they are alone.

Best regards

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Hello guys!

Today I finished my job at the shipyard.
I’ve placed the scaffolding on the boat, for the workers to work on it safely, I made the entrance sign to indicate that it is a shipyard, and lastly, I placed a clock on the tower, so that you can observe the hours in the entire village.
So, my work on this object is complete. I will start a new one tomorrow. :partying_face: :partying_face:

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Meanwhile I’ve been working on the cave.
I’ve made 4 of the most common stala things ( don’t know the exact name :thinking: never is a geologist nearby when one needs one ); pillars, stalactite, stalagmite and colum:

Still very raw and don’t represent the final look yet.
Until tomorrow!

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