Resilience Satelle

I love the style :heart:


Hello guys!

Today I made some more objects to decorate the florist.
Meanwhile, we changed the texture of the awning to something more appropriate.
Monday I will do more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello Friends!
Hope you guys had great times since the last time I was here!
I had a job for a client these last couple days, so I wasn’t able to work on Noam animation.

Today I was and I’ve worked a bit on the face expressions (have in consideration that the recording software slows down the playback from 30 fps to 20 fps):

:face_with_monocle: Now I’ve just notice one thing…

Today makes ONE YEAR since the first post! :partying_face:
(given or taken one day) WOW! It felt that we just started and one year has passed!

Thanks for all the ones that have been keeping up with us!
A special thank you very much for the the ones that are around since day one!

I also just realized that we now only have 49 more years to finish this… :sweat_smile:

Have a great Sunday everyone!
We just bought Final Fantasy 7 Remake, so tomorrow we will have a busy day!

Best regards


49 more years? :joy: Hell no. Please divide that by 9​:sunglasses:.
Okay so now its 5 more years :boom:

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Hehe! :smile: :slightly_smiling_face::thinking: It actually looks a reasonable deadline :wink:
… I shouldn’t be mentioning this… but I envision no more than 2 more years… but if someone asks, you didn’t hear it from me :innocent:

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Hello guys!

Today I started to place in the house the utensils and objects that I have already made to get a sense of space and how it will look.
Tomorrow I will continue to make objects.
Tell me what you think …

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello Friends!
Hope you guys had a great Sunday!

Final Fantasy 7 remake has a Bombastic start :grin: feels just spot on! Perfect in every way!

Back to Resilience Satelle world!
Noam Painter action is almost completed, just missing a few final touches:

Slow shots are the most difficult to animate, that’s why a writer that is also an animator never creates a slow scene… When I’m in writing mode I forget all the other modes :stuck_out_tongue:

Until tomorrow!
Best regards

Hello guys!

Today I made some more objects to decorate the village florist.
I started by making an iron watering can, followed by an exhibitor to sell flowers and finally a hanging vase.
Tomorrow I will do more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello friends!
Hope you guys are having a great day!

Noam Painter action is complete and was inserted in the place it belongs to.
The NLA is looking like this now. I took the liberty to add some labels if you get puzzled :slight_smile:

And this is the resulting animation of all those strips:


  1. It has many mistakes, glitches, foot sliding and sharp turns but all of that is fixable and will be fixed :sunglasses:
  2. Camera angle is just a work camera, has nothing to do with the final shot.
  3. I remember that I won’t ever show the animations from the camera angle to don’t spoil it to you.

This time animation runs at the correct speed because this was rendered with the workbench renderer, but… It’s not done yet! It’s still missing “Noam Sitting” action (easy) and fix all the mistakes (time consuming)… However:

Until the end of this week I have work for a client, so only minor or no progress at all will be made in the animation. Although any question don’t be a stranger :slight_smile: there is always time to answer questions :wink:


More grease to your elbows :wink:

I’m only glad that it’s progressing.

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Thanks Paul,today I will put more new objects. Stay tuned :smiley:

Hello guys!

Today I started making some flowers to put in the pots in the house.
I couldn’t make many because I was looking for references. Tomorrow they will all be ready.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I started to spread the flowers through the village florist.
I made floral arrangements for the vases and placed the flowers for the exhibitor.
Tomorrow I will do more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello friends!
Just dropping by to share @Rute_Perdiz progress. She can’t post due the 3 consecutive post limit. She wrote:

Hello people!

Today I made some more floral arrangements to decorate the florist.
The house is close to being finished. Tomorrow I hope I have finished placing all the flowers.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,

If all goes as planed perhaps next week I can work a few days on the animation!
If not sooner, until then! :slight_smile:


Hello guys!

Today, the florist from the Moget’s village was finally finished.
However, I started to develop a new house that already has the base made.
Tomorrow I will continue.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Super beautiful! Really amazing work!

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Thank you very much @hum-bee! :slight_smile: @Rute_Perdiz wasn’t able to make progress on the houses today, but I’ve already told her your comment and tomorrow she will also reply to you personally!

I have good news!

I don’t have a video to show it, but I’ve fixed 95% of the animation issues that I was having with the NLA editor mixtures and were evident on the last animation preview that I’ve shared.
After a lot of hitting with the head on the walls ( so to speak, I wouldn’t do that, I could damage the wall ) all of them were all originated by a strange animation curve called “ROT_MODE”

So, this ROT_MODE thing is actually the Rotation Order, you know that thing that is XYZ, Quarternions, etc… well, that stuff can be animated and I had some actions with it in mode 0 and others in mode 5 :nerd_face: This caused them to have values of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 during the NLA strips transition and as such the head would just go crazy because it was actually changing it Rotation mode :expressionless:

…Well that is fixed now, I’ve added an action on top to ensure all of them are locked to Mode 5 and thus there are no more hard cuts :partying_face:

The key still refuses to stick to the door :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but I’m on it now, I’ll find a way!
Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have a new video for you guys :slight_smile:

:face_with_monocle: If you guys read my posts in the bed you’ll see they are the perfect cure to insomnia :sweat_smile: Sorry for that!

Until then


Thanks for your support!
I’m glad that you like

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Hello guys!

Today I continued a little more of the house I am developing for the island.
I decided on a triangular design to be different from what I have been doing.
Tomorrow I will do more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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