Resilience Satelle

Hello Friends!
Today I’ve kept fixing NLA issues… some were more like duck taped but seems to work :neutral_face:
And started animating the last action for this shot, the Noam Seats action:

Still in progress and please remember that the screen capturing device slows down the animation playback from 30 to 20 fps.

Until tomorrow with more animation adventures! :cowboy_hat_face:

Hello guys!

Today I finished modeling the house.
This will be the local Inn.
Tomorrow I will texturize and add some accessories later.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello Friends!
I have good news! The Internet guys say that for Xmas they will bring optic fiber internet for us! :smiley: Hopefully it will allow us to share dailies with Live videos too.
Also more good news! Most of the animation issues were solved, it still has a few, but are also fixable.

Let’s see :warning: for the first time :warning: the complete shot, featuring all the actions planed:


  • This ain’t the final camera angle (not even simillar) is just a work camera;
  • Because this is a workbench render, this time it does run in real time :slight_smile:

What do you guys say? :face_with_monocle: :thinking:
Any issue now is the time to bring it to the table that I’ll fix it tomorrow!
Tomorrow this will get final and I’ll move on to the next shot if there are no remarks.

Best regards

Hello guys!

Today I finished the texturing of the village Inn.
The whole house is finished, now I just need to put some props.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Note: this is just a work camera, it ain’t nothing like the final result.

Hey there friends! I’ve been fixing the Shot 02 bugs :slight_smile: some were fixed, some were disguised and some other are gone… but it’s far from done :slight_smile:
…I probably give it a rest now, move on to the next shot and later will return to the problematic ones :thinking:

I also would like to have you guys feedback, but I don’t want to haste you guys, so when you have a bit of time, if you can spare a few lines of review I would thank you very much!
I’m sure all comments will help to improve the final result :cowboy_hat_face:

Have a great Sunday everyone!
Best regards

First let me say i myself never tried character animation and I know it is really hard. It really shows that you put a lot of efford and time into this.

That said, I think the feet slide over the ground a bit too much in the walk cycle which breaks the illusion slightly.
Also I think in some places like at 0:48 the transition between action and walk cycle is a bit too sudden for my liking which makes the character move unnaturally fast.

I hope the critique can help you, again great work with this huge project. I really admire how consistantly you can keep working on it.

Hello @Pollin125
Thank you very much for investing your time on this reply!
You talk sence in every remark! The NLA animation method has advantages and desavantages… but even if I need to bake all this to one action I’ll get these issues fixed :slight_smile:
Real thanks! It will help! :slight_smile:

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Hello guys!

Today I started decorating the Inn of the village.
I couldn’t finish it, but I hope tomorrow will be complete and, I will leave for a new object.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello friends!
We have here a substantial amount of queued work for clients, so the progress has been slow, but my wife made a mirror for the shot 02 :slight_smile:

My idea is that a painter that paints mostly ( not to say only ) self portraits should have a mirror somewhere :thinking:
:slight_smile: Making it cloud shaped was @RutePerdiz idea… it’s like if when he looks to it he is thinking :nerd_face: a thinking balloon from the comics hehe :smiley:

We will need some days to clear the pending work, so see you guys towards the end of the week!
Best regards!

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Hello guys!

First of all, I wanted to apologize for the absence, but I was a little busy with some jobs that appeared in the meantime.
I leave here the last house I made (which was an Inn), complete and the beginning of a new object that I started today.
It will be a kind of boat station for people to get on board.
Tomorrow it will be more advanced.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello guys!

Today I was a little busy with some things that appeared to do, so I was only able to advance the roof structure and the roof.
It was difficult to get a coherent structure, but I think it was good.
Tomorrow I will continue more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello Friends!
… Meanwhile I’ve added a section “Cheat codes” to the Bottom of the first post :slight_smile: this will hopefully make it a lot easier to find specific areas of this, now, long topic. I’ll add a few more hot spots trough the time.

Hello guys!

First of all, I want to apologize for the absence, at the moment we have a job in hand and then there is little time to go faster here.
Today I managed to finish the entire roof structure of the station.
I always try to do a little more, whenever I have time.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

I just want to give an update about the Lecture I’ve mentioned earlier, special to @ArtAvenue.
It was canceled a few weeks ago, due the Covid-19 difficulties.
It’s sad… but quoting the old Blender “Continuing Happily” :slight_smile:

:thinking: hummm better explain, for those that don’t know, on the old blender ( not sure up to which version ), when it turned on, on the terminal, after some reports, it wold write “Continuing Happily” :laughing: I miss that on the new blender hehe… one would learn, every day, that independent of some issues we would have an happy day! …And I always did :slight_smile:

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Hello guys!

Today I made some adornments for the boat station.
I decided to decorate with the sea theme. I will still add more props whenever I have time.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello Guys!

Today I managed to find time to advance the boat station further :slight_smile:
I’ve place an adornment around the station with the sea theme and made the seats with a shooting star, to get into the theme of the short film.
I have been more absent due to some works that appeared in the meantime.
The boat station is almost ready to be able to texture, I just need to add some more accessories.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Pediz

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Hello guys!

Today I finished modeling the boat station. I finished the center seat and put a machine to collect the tickets.
Tomorrow I will texturize and then I will put some decorative adornments.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hello Friends! Long time no type!
I’m making a character for a client, so no updates from me yet! I apologize for that!

@Rute_Perdiz has reached the 3 consecutive posts limit and has such I’m posting here on her name. She writes:

Hello Guys!

Today I textured the village boat station. It is practically finished, tomorrow I will just add some decorative elements to make it complete.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello guys!

Today I finished the boat stop.
I placed a tower with a clock on top of the roof and made the sign to symbolize that it is a stop.
I also place some benches by the dockside walkway .
Monday I will start a new object.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello Friends! Following @Rute_Perdiz yesterday post I’ve made a “beauty” render of the Boat Station.
Moget couldn’t hold him self to step right in! :sweat_smile:
Have a great Sunday!

Best regards