Resilience Satelle

Hello guys!

Today I was placing the wooden boards for the stairs that I am developing.
I was also studying the best way to put a support so that it is credible and stable. On Monday I will continue more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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That environment is looking real good! :+1:t2: Of course, it’s looked good before, I’m just impressed every time I see it again. :grin:

How long does a single image take to render?

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Thank you very much @ArtAvenue! I feel just the same, I spent most of the time seeing just layers of this, when I see all together I too feel impressed! Even so, soon after, I see my self finding a bunch of stuff that can be better :sweat_smile:

Takes more or less 10 minutes to render, and one thing impressive with Eevee is that the resolution doesn’t increase that much more time to it; from 1080p to 4K it just adds about 1 minute more.

Ten minutes isn’t too bad, though you may need a render farm when you get to the final rendering for the project. Animation could be really difficult otherwise.

Keep up the good work both of you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks! :slight_smile:
About the renderfarm, at least a few months ago Eevee didn’t render without a monitor, so, afaik, no Render farm support… but I’ve read that it’s in progress, so by the time RS is ready it may be a good option indeed :slight_smile:

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Rogério, RenderStreet has had Eevee support since Eevee was first launched two years ago :slight_smile: . In the meantime, we have optimized our rendering processes for Eevee’s particularities so it’s even faster now.

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Hello @RenderStreet!
Thank you So Much for the heads up! :open_mouth:
:flushed: I have an account with you guys since 2016… and somehow I’ve missed that you’ve added support for Eevee!
Ok! I’ll update myself on RenderStreet Eevee suport right next!
Thanks once again!

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Hello guys!

Today I bring you another evolution of the wooden stairs that I have been developing.
The base structure is almost finished, in this first phase. I hope tomorrow to have the whole structure finished.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I finished the first phase of wooden stairs to the village mines.
Tomorrow I will do the second phase, and then build the entrance to the mines.
I don’t know how I’m going to do it yet, but I’ll come to a conclusion.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hello guys!

Today I bring you the evolution of the second access to the village mines.
The entire structure is almost finished.
As soon as I finish I will start to develop the entrance to the mines.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello friends!
Due to @Rute_Perdiz 3 consecutive posts limit I’m posting on her behalf :

Hello guys!

Today I bring you the evolution of the last part of the access to the mines of the village.
Tomorrow I hope it is finished, and then develop the entrance to the mines. I still don’t know how it will be, so I will have to study the best way to do it.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today access to the mines is complete.
I put up a fence to make it safer. Tomorrow I will start the entrance to the mine.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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:warning: Production Hat On :warning:

Do you guys remember the old point and click games!? “Atlantis the Lost Tales” and “Mist” for example.
… I never played them and I don’t want to play them… but I also can’t take them out of my head :neutral_face: this because they have some things that I want for Resilience Satellite.

They have a lot of things that I don’t want too, but, on their core, they rely heavily on the use of 360º equirectangular renderings… just like Resilience Satelle!

I have a plan to make this project way more interactive than just a VR movie… but it would add another 50 years of production :laughing: :sweat_smile:

For now we’ll stick with what we can chew… but I just can’t get it out of my head :persevere:

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If it helps, you can watch a play-through of the games online, just to give you an idea of how those games played. (That could be more boring than playing the game yourself tho)

Back when I was more into making games I watched tons of game design videos and would research and watch play-throughs of games that interested me. Obviously it would be better if I just played some of those games myself, but often you just don’t have the time or the money to do that.

I’m sure lots of videos exist studying the game “Myst” and what made that game tick. If I remember correctly, I watched a couple myself. As point and click styled games were the games I was most interested in making at the time.

Hey @ArtAvenue!
Thank you very much for your recommendations!

Yes, I’ve by now seen many making ofs, of several point and click games and I not only seen the play-troughs but I also used to read a video-games magazine (Mega Score) and see a TV show (Templo dos Jogos, (The Temple of Games)) when these games first came out… I’m even sure I saw a friend of my playing them :slight_smile: on his brand new CD-rom player 2X. What impressed me the most on this games were the graphics, which were way ahead of the time! …Well, this up to the point I’ve discovered that they were pre-rendered :sweat_smile:

…And is exactly it interactive pre-render nature that interests me.
I’ts cool to read that you’re also into this! :slight_smile:

If this happens for RS, we need to take out the boring from these games! Today it doesn’t work at all (even back then it didn’t… was tolerable, but still boring).
It needs to fell fluid, not static (all animated) and that your decisions count to something, like some will make your path easier and others will make it longer…

…This ties very well with the message of the story and would make a 12 minutes experience last for a lot longer :smiley:

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Hello guys!

Today I started to develop the crane / elevator, which will give access to the mine entrance.
It is yet to finish but Monday will be complete.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


…and I’ve been fighting with water vapor on the waterfalls :slight_smile:

This stuff are VDBs.
I’m replacing most of the clouds and cloudy stuff by VDB’s, mostly because one can see the volumes in shading mode, while, on the noise texture based ones, we would only see a cube and there is no way to preview the results without getting in rendered mode (which takes a million years).
I’ve also added these to the small waterfall:

So far it doesn’t look great and drains a bunch of memory, but Blender will soon change the way the volumetric objects are calculated, so in a near future it will work :slight_smile:
Have a great Sunday! See you guys on Monday!

I’ve updated, on the first post, the link for my client “Lithodomos VR”, which recently lunched a brand new page, featuring a considerable amount of the work I made for them.
If you fancy ancient times you’ll have a blast:


Hello guys!

Today I bring you the basic structure of the finished crane.
Tomorrow I will continue the part that will serve as an elevator to the mines and I hope, at least, that it will be finished.
As soon as I finish this phase I will start making the entrance to the mines.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello Friends!
Moget just got older:

Soon we’ll start making NPCs, basically people to fill in Moget and Noam towns.
For Moget town people are all to the old(ish) side, so, using Moget as reference, I’ve aged his face many years. :thinking: :face_with_monocle: …so I hope!

Again this is for a base, after @Rute_Perdiz will work on top, adding mustaches, eyebrows, hair and other accessories to make each person look different.

It’s made with a lot less triangles than Moget, because they wont be never the main focus and also because less detail looks better and give less rendering issues from distance.

Best regards


And this is how a Moget town man looks:

7224 triangles:

Next will need to make a female… :thinking:
…Ho! I think that soon some locations of planet Earth will start receiving Santa’s visit… as such:

:christmas_tree:Merry Xmas Everyone! :smiley::christmas_tree:

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