Reverse perspective rendering

Okay, I went down the compiling route (installing Homebrew through Terminal etc) and have been humbled. If there’s any way I could install the addon from within Blender (as a .py file?) that would be the best. But from what I’ve read that isn’t a possibility. Any further tips hugely appreciated, but get it if I’m out of luck. Thanks!

As far as i understood this… it is a patch not an addon… so you have to patch your sources and compile with that patch used. Maybe you have to ensure it is the correct version (not 4.x for example ?).

There is a solution through OSL Camera, but Blender only supports OSL for materials, not OSL for camera.

hello, i really want to give this a try but i come from a art background and have no coding knowledge. so i have absolutely no understanding of how to ‘build’ or ‘patch’ blender. is there any tutorial or guide that you could point me to that would give me an explanation as a complete beginner?

Приветствую! Look links in Reverse perspective rendering - #57 by nikolay_sungreen

oh my goodness, i didn’t realize it was as simple as running the blender file in that folder. i cannot seem to get the ‘orthodox tilt x’ and ‘orthodox tilt y’ to work, and i’m not sure if that is an issue i am causing or not. so if there’s anything special about using the orthodox tilt that would be great to know.

but thank you so much for all your work and your helpful response. this is very cool!

These settings currently only work for Cycles with ViewPort Shading as “Rendered”.

my apologies if i missed that info somewhere-- thank you so much for your help!

It is possible that this information is only in my head right now. This project does not yet have sufficient documentation. So if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.

Ещё мне кажется, много людей считают, что обратная перспектива в 3d это другие настройки камеры. Но суть в том, что обратная перспектива полностью меняет композицию и то, что виделось реализуемым оказывается сделать не так очевидно и просто. Более того, в этом патче есть ещё очень важный момент – это возможность динамически менять перспективу и переходить от обратной перспективы к прямой и обратно в обратную. И тут при усилении эффекта возникают различные побочные эффекта – головокружение и потеря ориентации. Будьте осторожны в своих экспериментах и берегите здоровье! Надеюсь, у Вас получиться покорить обратную перспективу и разгадать эту загадку.

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