
I have been meaning to comment on this for some time. You are doing great work. Every addition has refined the model/texture/details. I like seeing the full body of work and the progress for each phase.

Keep it up!

Hey DanPro!
thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate it! Currently I wasn’t able to work on her, but I will post some new pictures this week! I hope i can finish the weight painting, and post some new good renders!

What will follow:

  • I want to make some sort of a forest scene for the background
  • Weight Painting “Perfection”, i have never done so much work on weight painting like I did on Ria, so I hope it will end good :smiley:
  • I am using the Gooseberry Build, so I have the ability to make Shape Keys for her Hair so I can make multiply “Hairstyles” for diffent poses.
  • I want to make her clothes better, I am not quite satisfied with the overall look.

Thank you all for following me with this project!
Till next time!

Hi everyone!
It’s been a while since my last update, but now I have some new things I wanted to share with you.
First of all, I deleted her hair and have redone it. Then I started modelling a sword for her. And I added some pockets to store her stuff. I made some shoes/sandals for her and some sort of bands around her feet and yeah that’s it i guess for now :D…
Here are the screenshots:

PS.: I want the sword to be this big :smiley:

The sword isn’t textured in any kind of way, it’S just an AO shader, and here are some screenshots from the it:

PS.: It is not finished, just started to play around…

Everytime I see someone making a character model it is so detailed and I don’t know where to start to look at. It starts with clothseams (I don’t know how to make them :frowning: )… I think my character is missing something, but I don’t know what… If you guys can give me some tipps I would really appreciate it…


I have tried to make some seams… what to you think of it???

I think it looks better, but still I get the feeling something is missing…


Hi everyone…
I started to create some scenery for her, at first I wanted to make some sort of forest scene, but I changed my mind and started to model a steampunkship. Here are some screenshots of my current progress:

…more in the next post

more in the next post…

What do you guys think so far?


PS.:I will import everthing in Unreal Engine 4 so I can walk around in the ship…

Hi BA Community!!

Wow, it’s been for ever since i posted an update on my project! But hey, working on a massive project in my full time job has taken all the time I have…but…bababababadummmm Ria is still in the TO FINISH list! And now I have made a lot of changes. I completely retopologized her body… .change some proportions (her torso was far to long, in my opinion)…have redone the texturing…modelled new clothes… improved her rig… did a lot of weight painting… change the hair particlesystem…redone her eyebrows (those little bastards gave me a hard time with rendering)…aand…and…well…ok thats it I guess XD … and her is a screenshot… she is still a WIP and I will update this thread now more often!!

But for now, have a nice day and thanks for chekcing out!



and some more screenshots of the materials:




And a closeup of her head:

She looks like Poisonous Ivy from Batman and Robin film.

XD I take that as a compliment XD

Hi everyone!

A new update:

Does anybody know how I could paint the weights for this metal thingy on her belt??? Its deforming not so good, better said, it shouldn’T be deformed at all.
Thanks in adavance!

@HoDrakon: Nice work!

Nice to see that girl become better and better! My only crit now is that her arms must be longer and stronger.

Regarding the metal thingy on the belt…

Apparently dealing with that problem is covered.

Nice progress btw.

Oh wait, vertex parenting doesn’t inherit rotation. (Still has it’s uses though.) “Child of” constraint also does the job and allows for rotation. But you have to set a vertex group on the parent object for it to follow in this particular case.

—Second edit—

If you just want to keep the thingy mesh as part of a single object group…
Select the entire thingy hovering over it with the mouse in edit mode and pressing L. (Assuming it’s a separate mesh.) Clear all vertex weights except for that which the belt follows. (Most likely the hip bone.) Quick to assign in edit mode at 100% so not having to deal with painting.


Are you sure about the length of her arms?? I tried to make them longer, but it seems a bit off :S…But thank you very much for the advice!!!

Vertex Parenting was actually the right thing to do :smiley: … I selected three vertices and parented the thing to them, now the rotation is inherited too …


Eyelids/lashes need work, also the “cupids bow” in her upper lip should be more defined.

Wow… :S it took me now 8 months to get a new update on my Project. well… I guess sometimes work and freetime don’t play well together do they?
When it comes to finishing a project I am really bad…and I mean really really bad. Everytime I open up my project I feel I can improve this or that…yeah and so on, but now I am getting somewhere with this project. I think my skills aren’t as good as they should be to make a really good image of her, but what do you guys think? Where can I improve and what is good what is bad?

No compositing so far, only the plain rendered image.

Thanks for all the comments so far.