Rigging a mechanicle tentacle

After my first kitbashing Project
( take a look if you want :wink:
King of all muck heaps )
I want to use my kit for a second Project, this time I want and Need more freedom of Position and pose, so I chose a Kraken.

I modelled the tentacle you see here:

-One big module should only move as a whole

  • under each Gland is a ball

  • every ball is connected trough a screw to a Connection ring

  • (even not shown) ball, module and ring are able to rotate

Here you see them and how they should interact with each other:


is there a way of using maybe constraints to make them move together, for example when you rotate the most upper module that the other modules rotate in a realistic way

I know these are most likely extrem hard tasks and with my blender knowledge I merely need your help solving this problem. I would be extremely grateful and never forget this act of kindness and sacrifice of time.

Thanks in advance,

Here you have the compressed .blend file to test a bit around yourself
