Rotating the ui axis constained


is it possible to rotate the ui view constrained? if i have for example the x-view and i want to rotate it horizontally to left or right? is there a hotkey possibly?

thanks for help!


Number pad 4,6 and 5 to switch back to orthogonal ? Or in Quad view… N-Panel: Quad View disable Lock Rotation ?

Maybe even the Stored Views addon… ?

yes, 4 and 6 is quite the direction i want, but not with degree steps, i want it continuously smooth movement.

so i found that i can set the rotation angle in preferences/navigation/orbitandpan to very low degrees…but then you need some time to turn around…

…what i dont understand… i have "turntable " orbit method…this notifies that “turntable keeps the z-axis upright while orbiting” but it seems that does not work as it should? does it work for you?

Yes turntables… here with standard degree setting… (and the additional 5 for orhtogonal)

So if I hold the red “x” why doesnt it rotate with restricted z axis… continously…

So you think it not possible to rotate smoothly? Only with degrees?

If you drag the red X in the gizmo then it’s just freely rotating… do you mean rz and then rotate with cursor keys (with maybe using orthograhic front or side view before) ???

Yes, right… That hotkey numpad 4 or 6 thing… but. !! continously !! Not with degrees… Side or fontview… Then only rotating sidewards… Z restricted AND continously

In any way like rotating the object with r and z… But I want to rotate the 3d viewport like that…

I think Navigation should work like this… If I click into the axis navigator on the right top and I click into the white circle it should rotate free… BUT if I click on the red x for example it should rotate z restricted to the left or right…

I think don’t understand you anymore… the 4,6 etc… maybe with low angle is essentially what you asked for…

I never said with low angle, I always asked for continously…

With low angle I said it needs one day to rotate around…

The rotation angle of views is a user preference, that can be changed.
There is a Roll value par shortcut can also be changed to override it. But it is not in degree. It is in Radians.
You can lower this value to minimum and keep pressing on the key to have a feeling of a continuous movement.
But speed is just a matter of angle value chosen.
You can create several custom shortcuts for different speeds.

Rotation through mouse movement, mouse speed is a different operator.
It only snaps to viewpoints aligned to axes.
To be able to handle constraint of rotation around an axis, it should be rewritten.

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Unrestricted movement/free rotation over mouse movement also works flawlessly… So it should be a very simple thing to restrict that

I am not annoyed by a slight offset to what would be a constraint.
I don’t know if somebody, created an addon for that.
But because, it touches something as fundamental as Viewport Navigation.
That may be possible, that change requires attention of a core dev of viewport, that may not be available for that task.

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This is a very good and urgent feature. I used that a lot in 3dsmax to adjust things “screenbased”

… It could and should intuitively work like I described before.

A work around is to go into camera view, scroll right in close so the edges of the camera vanish off the sides, then in the 3D window side panel turn on Lock Camera to View.
You still have normal MMB rotation, but using R to rotate will give a smooth, not stepping, rotation.

The bad part is that you still have to click on the camera to do the point of view rotation.

Only to understand it cleary… You set the 3d pivot into the object you want to rotate around, and the camera to the same height as the 3d pivot, that you look directly from the side. Then you select the cam and rotate around the 3dpivot/object?

I wonder if the “point of view” rotation you talk is something similar. If I want to rotate around the object, I need a rotating point directly in the center of the object, or not?

Turntabkr instead of trackball is what you’re looking for. Then you just orbit the view as usual with MM and it should work. I don’t think it applies to the navigation gizmo though

both do not restrict mouse movement to an axis …what do you mean? do i use it wrong? for me both is FREE rotation

as i expect here, in the following picture with the message at “turntable” is , that movement is now restricted to upright “z” axis …but it does not work for me… as i said before…
also blender manual says…“Turntable
Rotates the view keeping the horizon horizontal” …so for me, this behaviour is buggy !

only thing that works is reducing the “rotation angle” nearly down to zero, but then i need one day to turn around with hotkey numpad 4 or 6

My bad, I understand now. I guess the closest thing I can think of is constraining a camera on a circular bézier curve. It’s not very interactive (you have to change the path factor to orbit the scene and any other adjustment has to be done by transforming the path) but it ticks your boxes…

so what means …“turntable keeps the z-axis upright while orbiting” ?

In screen space, the scene Z axis is aligned with the screen Y axis (=it stays vertical).

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