Saving compositing effects as separate pass

Hi, I want save some effects like glare (fog and streaks) on separate pass/image. In other render engines there’s post process pass and for example we can have only glare fog on black background and merge this layer (with screen/add blending) with original render image in Photoshop.
Reason for this is having editable image - threshold in glare node is not always working as I need.


there is a ‘file output’ node in the composidtor that does exactly that :slight_smile:

No, I want something like this. With file output I have combined image. I want image only with glare node.

then just connect glare node to the file output?

Ok, my mistake, I just forget to drag mix value in glare node to 1.0. Thanks for help, saving with output node is quite handy as solution.

My glare pass looks exactly like the composite render. What do I need to do to actually get a glare mask?

Change the mix factor to 1.

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Thank you, but Jesus H Christ. Why is the default zero? The Blender developers really have a disdain for new users, don’t they? I mean, they really, really don’t care.

EDIT: It’s also impressive how they repeatedly screw you over if you don’t happen to know the exact correct file format for again which there are no hints at all in the UI…


EDIT 2: Ok, so this is apparently (I think?) how a “correct” glare setup should look like. But I had to figure out and “design” this UI myself (and I still don’t have a “save as” button, I need to re-render when I want a new file). It’s absolutely a travesty that new users have to go through this for something so simple.

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