Sawed-off Antique Shotgun

Hello everyone, here is a personal project of mine!

This is something that was just supposed to be a prop for another project, but which got a bit out of hand and became a full-fledged project on its own.

It is based off a real-life Remington 1889 shotgun, with a small Hunt: Showdown-esque twist.

The idea behind it was to make a weapon that could be used as a viewmodel for a first person shooter, which meant a lot of optimization (I say this word quite a lot, don’t I?).

I tried to stick to realism and historical accuracy as much as possible, especially when it comes to ammunition (even if I allowed myself a couple of funny stuff here and there).

You can see more renders on my ArtStation page.

Hope you like it!


Nicely done! The detail is amazing.:grinning:

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Thanks for the kind words!

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