Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

When you say biomes, I assume you are talking about grass/weeds/wildflowers/etc packs for a given geographical environment?.. Also, have you honed in on a price for Scatter Engine™ yet, and for Scatter Biomes™?

Did someone modelled these plants for you?

I should totally register those are Trademarks.

yes, biome = a series of thematic combinaison of different species, scattered in different method

here what i propose :

45$ for scatter and all future biome to come (on release with 11 aio biomes)
55$ when the biomes aio count go to 20
65$ when the biomes aio count go to 40
culminating at 80$ maximum (let say ± 70 aio)

but for this price you will get an insane ammount of useful and cool environement to play with. a complete package for an environement artist, worth quite much more than that, i’m sure some would charge up to 400$ for this kind of packages.

+> all the peeps who get the addon for 45$ will still get all the content.

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Yes indeed and I did !



No i did all by mysefl (from now)

by the way the grass are indeed photorealistic but really low poly ! don’t expect to do some close up shot with thoses, imo too detailed grass models are just useless, all the detail will never be seen, it is such a waste of computer and human ressource (again imo)

i see a lot of grass models out there waaay too detailed for just a meadow… (except if you’d like to do some close up shots) the key to photorealism is not in the model, nor superb topology, all is in the material and the scattering


You mean like Apple®?.. You are wrong pal. You could ™ Scatter Engine and Scatter Biomes for sure. I am not a patent and TM lawyer, but I’ve worked in the ad realm for twenty years. You could, if you wanted…

Hey, those prices are fine. I paid like two hundred bucks for that piece of shit Hurley Advanced Placement for LW a couple years back…

Also, have you ever seen Phantom Scatter for Octane? He has (had maybe, not sure if it is still around) some pretty cutting edge crap in there. Really neat features from what I remember, though I never got it myself…

unfortunately some features need to be implemented directly within blender.
hopefully Scatter will put more emphasis on the importance of having specific features within blender

No no no… I just meant to plagiarize (ever-so-slightly) some of his features and whatnot…

yes but we are really limited by what python can/cannot do within blender. for example it is straigth up impossible to create a modifier with an addon.

:-/… Doesn’t BoxCutter and HardOps do that (create modifiers) tens of thousands of times a day? - just saying look at some of his features, for inspiration if nothing else. :wink:

by creating i meant creating a brand new type of modifier who can do new things

Ahh. roger that. Now back to squooshing bugs you! ; - )

from PIL import Image
import os

files_folder = 'E:\\Bibliotheque\\X-SCRIPTING- Scatter [$$$]\\Biome 01 Meadow 01\\meadow.blend exported images\\Biomes\\aio\\'
alpha        = 'E:\\Bibliotheque\\X-SCRIPTING- Scatter [$$$]\\Biome 01 Meadow 01\\meadow.blend exported images\\Biomes\\icon.png'

layer2  ="RGBA")

for files in os.listdir(files_folder):
    file = os.path.join(files_folder,files)
    land = os.path.join(files_folder,"icon_"+files)

    layer1  ="RGBA")
    result  ="RGBA", layer1.size)
    result = Image.alpha_composite(layer1, layer2)

with this little code i was able to paste a logo into 50 images at once. maybe this will be usefull for someone


Totally agree with that!
In archviz for exemple we never put the camera below one meter below the floor and sometimes the camera captures thousands of square meters of grass fields.
Anyway, congratulations for the tool and the biomes.
You will definitly help a lot of arcviz people jump into Blender.


Release Candidate with the new biome and some new features, bug change, real soon.
Stay tuned this week end :seedling:


Wow, I had the opportunity to test the beta and this rocks!

One question though, Is there a way to make the curve influence affect only o partly the scale of the particles? For example, let’s say I want a short grass path in a tall grass field, sure, I could scatter two types of grass, but I would prefer to just have one particle system.

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Yes but you will need to manually do This in the properties editor. If you already used blender particle system before it will be easy

I don’t support particle scale operation with paint, Boolean and camera clipping out of the box. I’ll see if’ this isn’t necessary later

I’ll check that.

Here’s a test I did combining Scatter and Physical Atmosphere addon: