Screen Space Global Illumination for Eevee

Honestly, if all you ever do is keep it up to date with the current Blender releases, I’m more than grateful for that.


gone forever


Thank you for sharing them! I added them to Drive with credits.

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Just found out about this. Awesome work man. You are breathtaking :+1:
More power to you.


I wish this was added in the vanilla/main branch of blender. I miss the addon variant, i understand that the native version works better, but i still liked it better as an addon, but that’s me. I’m still grateful this addon exists.

I would like to know when the 3.1 version of Linux will be updated, I think your work is really too great !!!!!

Apologies for the very late answer - I’m trying to do it before 17th of this month, but no promises. I have unresolved issues with my current build set up on Linux and not enough time to troubleshoot it or set it up from scratch.

After that I will be more available past 28th May.


It’s ok, don’t stress out, I’ve been using it for over a year now, and I think your work could really be called great, especially with the recent update to ray Tracing, which has solved most of my work problems.


hum… what??? Am I missing a whole lot of developing stuff? Is raytracing landed into Eevee??

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Ok, is this in the latest build or in a eevee-next branch?
And also… I’m puzzled: how comes it is raytraced if it’s also a screen-space thing???


To be sure, my question is, For now there’s NOT a Brach for 3.1.2 Windows… right !?
the tests videos are popping off on youtube right now… for me at least, maybe more people will come to check it out

gone forever

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hello,where to download this version of blender ?

Assuming you mean 0451’s custom SSGI build, you can find them here: (Tip: sort by date modified, and scroll down to find the latest releases)

Download, then just extract the zip and enjoy.

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Got back into civilization and behind a computer. Updated the Windows build to 3.1.2


As Nanoglyph said latest builds are on a drive link (the drive link is also added as a text link in Gumroad downloads, text info and in the top post of this thread, but it seems not to be visible enough).

I’ve noticed some issues in materials that don’t have a principled node sometimes. Kinda feels like some material flag doesn’t get turned on, but I haven’t tracked down the cause for that. Just adding a principled node usually fixes that.

For refraction in Eevee from my experience it’s best to layer geometry, one layer for refraction other for reflection. An example:

I’m following the internal naming for that, even though marching might be more accurate to describe doing tests against a depth buffer. Since it doesn’t just do specular anymore I named to whole section to more generic thing. I don’t think the method of intersection tests against triangle vs something else is that important in naming when screen space aspect is already mentioned.

From source/blender/draw/engines/eevee/eevee_screen_raytrace.c


Hello, are you planning to update the linux version recently ~ can’t wait.

wow~thank you so much! is SSGI will finally join to the eevee next?

The Blender Foundation plans to add SSGI to Eevee, eventually due to the popularity of @0451’s work, but they’re going to use their own implementation which hasn’t been written yet. And presumably won’t be for a while, since the Blender developers have a long list of things they’re working on.

I don’t know why they don’t just patch 0451’s code into the official builds, but I know they like to be cautious about what gets added to the official builds, as they’ll have to maintain that code in the future. I believe Eevee has a re-write in progress right now too, and presumably that would have to be finished first.

For now though, SSGI in Eevee is usable thanks to 0451’s custom builds, so it’s probably not a huge priority as we do have access to SSGI in Eevee now.


I bet they’re doing their own implementation so that in future they can add world-space raytracing in addition to SSGI’s screen space tracing using mostly the same framework and without these being two disjointed features.