Screenshot Extra Extra!

carduino project for school fair, its all about controlling a small robot with a android phone via bluetooth, i never used blender for animations, and i dont have time for learning, so i made this small model with some animations in 3 hours or so and im using the bge and a screen recorder to record the animations


so, summer vacations started and finally i have absolutely nothing to do, so i decided to start a new project, this time its about hover tanks, its going to include 1 map, 2 or 3 classes, and the gameplay is going to be like battlefield (conquesting tactical points and stuff), singleplayer only, i know its not much for a game, but the plan is to finish it within a week, anyway, enjoy some screens!

and here is a closeup of the tank:

-lucki> looks great/ sounds great! Reminds me of the PC Battlezone (a favorite of mine).

That is amazing! I looked at it and felt I needed to say it, scroll down and you already have!!
Community should take a crack at battle-zone 3. Fps - rts would be fun.

hey thanks for the feedback!
i have been busy with another proyect that i expect to finish today or tomorrow, and when im done with that i will finish this one, thanks!

ive started a new proyect this week, and this time its about some drone-simulator-survival-strategy thing, its all about building and defending your base from limitless hordes of angry drones!

the graphic style its textureless with realtime SSAO, thats why from the top view it looks weird

i know im not the best at sticking to a single proyect and working only on that but hopefully i will finish this one this week and upload it everywhere so you can play it :,)


Work in progress :slight_smile:

i cancel one of the games I was doing and this is a new one.

Is one of survival(is not of zombies…).

Sorry english.

Testing the Lambo and AI in game :

so, rust just came out this week on steam, so i thought: why the hell i havent made something like that yet?
and so, i just made a simple building sistem similar to what i saw on rust videos, and im planing to make a full survival game if i dont get bored of it on the way

btw i dont have rust, so if you have a spare copy and want to give it to someone i can be that person haha

Hello just two little screenshots for the introduction of my cs projet that appear before the title screen, I still need to find a proper sentence to indicate the purpose of the mission and this little introduction will be largely fixed, even if have some other idea in mind.

Hi all, here’s a screenie of a game I’ve started working on. If all goes well, you’ll see a thread for it in the next day or so.

Facial rig test:

LFDA Studio wicked character dude totally F’n cool! :cool:

NPC Soldier test v0.1 for our game

Sat on a decision about what could go into the background scene of VPS (bar/pub setting) then it dawned on me. Why not just have the machine under a spot of light fading to black. Dirty playfield is shown.

Few new features implemented and such.

Nice! Very realistic model and original idea.

Here are some pictures of my survival game.

Grab system.

Looking at the sun.

Looking at the…floor?

Actually the game run at 26fps…without SSAO, with shadows set to 128x128.
In the pictures the game run at 6fps with max settings.

For the trees i use the kupoman LOD system.

I know these aren’t quite screenshots… but today my narrator and I did recording for our demo. Here’s a sample and some pictures:

(sorry I don’t know how to make audio inline so heres a sample link)

And here are some not screenshot shots of the recording: (such a rebel breaking all the rules)

Did about 30mins of in game narration audio and that’s just for the demo hehe. Things are coming along nicely!
Hopefully I’ll have enough to create a WIP thread shortly.

You have a narrator?