Screenshot Extra Extra!

wow, expensive…

Had some work with the normal maps - also made the actual textures affect the normals.

EDIT: Anti-aliasing disabled. :smiley:

I made the envelopes fast just to be able to post a picture of this character here - so there are a few problems with the posing (eg. the cloth going through the right leg).

There are lights inside the body, making the whole thing lit.

Hope you like it. :slight_smile:

bergandil looks cool man :evilgrin: is he suppose to be a zombie?

Nope, he is lucifer. :smiley:

Do you think this looks decent enough? Any thoughts how to make it more realistic? (It has a normal map made from copied and then subdivided objects, and it also has a “texture” texture :), which also affects the normals (1,5 strength), specularity color (1 strength) and specularity hardness (1 strength). Finally it has some “dirt” added that only effects the color. - But since I am quite new to it, I think I missed something.)

Another one:

Nice models bergandil ,how many polygons does each gun model have?

Pistols have between about 400 to 1400, while the SMGs have about 1000 to 2600 vertices.
(The model of the main part of the MP5 from which the normal map was made has more than 30000 vertices btw. :slight_smile: )

With or without? :smiley:

(Btw it is nearly useless without, but I think it looks a lot better that way - what y think?)

Screenshots from my latest project, a batman-themed puzzle solver:

Nice thats looking wicked

Some WIP screenshots of my latest game Sharky character idea.


Hello! I’m remaking Super Mario 64, one of my favorites games! and the reason is because I think is a challenging game to develop. The model is from Smash Brawl, but animation an programming was done from scratch, I hope you like it :slight_smile:

Nice Aryok, those animations look very professional :slight_smile:

So i’ve been working on another game for a time now, and i decided it was time to show some of the things i’ve achieved for it :slight_smile:

Two more screenies left! Please be advised that 99.9% of these things are still total WIP haha :slight_smile:

@socker: Nice screenshots,the star-ship looks amazing :eek:.

@socker: awesome… nothing more to say.