🧵 Seams to Sewing Pattern (v 0.9, for 2.8 and 2.9)

Hey maybe I like HUGE pants! Don’t judge me!

It’s definitely the scale. I scaled it down to 80mm tall and it exports the pattern! But this seems to break the cloth sim slightly due to the small size… the pieces are very far apart after running the first action. (I’m thinking cloth clothes for art toys.)

Proper scale has always been an issue in Blender. I have to scale models up 1000% on export to get them into a 3D printer so I usually work with Unit Scale set to .001 instead of scaling down to mm. I’ve never messed with the defaults so I’m not sure if the problem is me or blender.

Thanks so much for your help! This is such a cool addon… going to be amazingly useful.

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