Seeking Critiques on 100% Procedurally Textured Eye

Yes, it’s procedural… so all of this can be adjusted on-the-fly to meet one’s own preference =)
I could make some quick controls for that, but i’d rather not tie up those ramp sliders with drivers in case somebody wants more control over it. I’ve got things pretty well labeled; although, the node trees are pretty massive.

@Magnavis and @cergina

Do these latest renders address the issues you’ve raised?
I created controls for the dark ring around the outer perimeter of the iris and also for bringing out the color of the bottom layer of the iris in the shadows of the iris strands.





This one is absolutely stunning. I love it! Nothing more I can say. Straight A

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Nice! Thanks cergina!

After cleaning up the new controls and updating the documentation, I should be able to get this to market.

I really appreciate your time, suggestions and insight.

Yes - much better! Really good work!

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Here’s a couple for you with pinkeye… I know you like veins and solid backgrounds.
Just minor adjustments, about 5-10 mins, to get this result. The power of procedurals–and the reason I want to get this right.


It’s looking great! Iris needs less contrast and veins could be a bit more visible

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Is this any better on iris contrast and veins size/visibility?

I’ve been working to add more randomness to the iris and softening the bump.





Check this out:

Nice inspiration for you :slight_smile: good luck!

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Holy wow!
That is really impressive! I had not seen this before.

It is very inspiring, indeed.
My eye definitely does not meet this standard of exceptionalism… but maybe in time.

Thanks for the excellent reference.

I learned I’ve been trying to use displacement without having it turned on.
There’s so many places in Blender where a feature has to be ‘activated’ in more than one place.


In my opinion, your iris is much more convincing than those in the photorealistic eye generator. The PEG has much more realistic veins and the transition between the sclera and the cornea is much better too. Amazing progress, especially on the iris! Keep up the good work!

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This one is incredible!

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This one is perfect in my opinion. Perfect blending of colors, nothings too dark etc…Looks excellent!

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@sol_hunter @Magnavis

Thank you both for the encouraging words and critiques!

I’ve been studying the PEG closely from the pics and documentation… the price is a bit hefty, so I want to see if I can recreate my favorite parts about it just from what I can discern from images, mingled with what has worked for me, and offer it at a better price. Am already learning a lot.

I think the iris in the PEG is very good… just a little overboard on the displacement, but that’s an easy tweak.

I’ll keep plugging away and report back… might take me a month.

Thanks again!

It’s been a while ;D

I was inspired by the Photorealistic Eye Generator @Tonatiuh introduced me to further up the thread, I have redesigned my procedurally textured eye. Everything from the mesh, UVs, and all textures have been completely reworked.

It’s not nearly as flexible as the PEG, but I think maybe looks a little better. Please let me know what you think!

I’ve come to the following result. Hopefully it is an improvement. Thanks!
@Sol_Hunter @skuax @Null_Dispatch @Modron @Magnavis @MichaelBenDavid


