Simple Renaming Panel

Hi Sunghoon Jung,
Thanks for your feedback. I have quickly tried to address this issue, but it is more difficult than it looks. The outliner and the 3D View are different areas that are completely independent and usually don’t share the same information. When selecting a object in the outliner, the objects is also selected in the 3DView. Therefore, it works. With other data it is much more difficult.

To better illustrate the problem, look at following image. I have 2 outliners open and different materials selected. Which materials should be renamed? There are different approaches how to solve it. But they are a lot of work.

  1. Make the simple renaming panel work on every area type. This would be amazing as you could select nodes in the node graph or any type of data in the outliner. This would increase the complexity of the addon dramatically as the context and how to access data changes from context to context. Therefore, I might include the outliner at some point, but not any time soon. It is probably not as intuitive as option 2 but would keep the addon complexity development time and the bugs to a minimum.

  2. Create a list of materials in the 3D View where you can select the materials. I tried to do this a long time ago and didn’t succeeded. By know I should be able to do it. This could also be adopted for other types like textures, animations e.g.,

To answer the question about renaming the Blue.001, Red.001, Green.001 but not Cube.001, Cube.002, Cube.003 you could use a regular expression. That is a language to define patterns which is supported for search and replace. But it works only in a few cases and can be take some time to understand it and to use it. It would take me about 10-15 minutes to write the expression as I haven t used it for some time.

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Kind and detailed explanation!
I understood.
Yeah the outliner problem seems difficult.
However, I can feel a lot of convenience just by present function.
I’ll spend time learning the features implemented so far!
Really cool add-on :slight_smile:

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How to make numbering begin with “000”? Really needed


Is there any way to bypass the Blender naming convention and allow two objects to have the same name, like Cube without Blender adding Cube.001 ? I’ve searched everywhere but couldn’t find anything.

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I will look into that. Shouldn’t be too difficult

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I don’t know any solution for this. What would you need it for?

you can specify the number in the preferences now. This is not on the official master branch or any release. You need to download the addon from this branch to have it:

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Thanks. Will it be difficult to add another algorithm for numbering in the settings? Here it is - 1 2 3 4 5 … 10 11 12 13 14 15 … 98 99 100 101 So that if necessary, the user himself can add the number 0 in the field with the name (for example, name_0) Thank you.

You can simply select the first 10 and rename them by using starting number. Then select the next 10 and choose starting number 20. Make sure to have rename selected active

I create assets consisting of more than 100 objects and for baking I need to assign names without the number 0. I would like to perform less unnecessary actions. But thanks for the answer.

I can’t really follow. If you need to get rid of the 0 s. You can replace them with an empty input in search and replace.

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ok, I will think further

Is it possible to modify both mesh and object data names at the same time?.
It’s been quite annoying since basically forever in Blender and would love to have a nice workaround to this at some point.
Thanks ! I’m def using ur addon from now on.

I had it in at some point, but it caused issues with other scripts etc. I therefore removed the functionality. What you can do, is to rename all object and then rename the data blocks based on object name.

Could you add a ‘Collection’ renaming variable?

I surely can. The question is, how to handle it, when an object is in 2 or mor collections. E.g. “Col1” and “Col2”. Should it use “Col1Col2”?

hm, that’s tough. I didn’t think about that.

What about a Material variable?

It introduces the same problem. How to handle multiple materials assigned to an object. Should only the first one be used?
But in general i am really interested in it. It sounds really usefuld. Could have used it sometimes my self. Tell me more about your usecases for both, collections and mateial name in objects.

I was thinking about how to name a low high baking pair in 1 click.
I got it working now, with Parent variable, @p.

  1. Prepare - Parent all low objects to empty named “low”, high objects to “high”
  2. Select the low & high objects of a pair (lows are in 1 “group”, highs are in another)
  3. The active object (which has to be a low) gets a new name (ex: asd_low) [ Search @a, Replace with @r_low ]
  4. Copy the active object’s name & add numbers to others (both lows & highs) (ex: asd_low_xxx). Currently doing this with Fast Rename (from the addon Speedflow Companion). I tried to do it with New Name @a which works but doesn’t give as clean a result, ex: active obj becomes asd_low_001, others become asd_low_001_xxx.
  5. Replace “low” with “high” for high objects [ Search “low”, Replace with @p ]

I can update/ add objects to a baking pair anytime, too. It re-generates a random base name every time I run the macro.

Side note: I think Search & Add Prefix/ Suffix, Search & Re-numerate, Search & Trim end of string would be useful commands to have

Thanks for the feedback. This is the first I get for the newly introduced variables. I know that renaming for baking is a common use case. There should be an easy way to do it in my addon. I will think more about your suggestions.