Sites that are SELLING Blender

but it is unethical…they are taking advantage of people for something they didnt even make, people will be so angry when they realize there is a huge community that will help them, and they couldve gotten the same thing for FREE…
I realize some of you dont agree with me…so ive asked one of the biggest hacking clans to give this site a go ;D
wink wink nudge nudge…
dont worry…they wont do anything illegal…just deface it a little :stuck_out_tongue:

Great, that’s exactly the reputation the Blender community needs.

Assuming you actually have done as you claim and are not just trying to be an “Internet legend” - two things you should note.

Firstly, not too many of us are keen on the idea of an eye-for-an-eye on this. If only because the official Blender server and the BlenderArtists server are not the beefiest of machines and could easily go down if someone decided to retaliate. Personally, I don’t think unethical behaviour on the part of one person justifies it on the part of another.

Secondly, and this is more important, it IS illegal to deface a website. The law is pretty damned strict on what is & isn’t allowed in terms of accessing a server without authorisation (and cracking/guessing a password is not authorisation).

As I understand it, they are not selling Blender, they are selling training materials and deliver Blender with it.
That is actually a good thing, because it guaranties that the buyer will use the same version of Blender as the one in the videos.

Air purifier - tips and trics!

Air purifier - tips and trics!

the law doesnt say anything about a security check…but the eye for an eye part…well your probably right about that…i would hate to see blender go down…i guess ill just leave this be…but it makes me so angry about people using a paid for blender…
and no, i dont want to be an internet, “legend” i just want users of blender to get exactly what they need, and with this, people might never actually see blenders greatest sites, with some of the most helpful people in the world…i guess ill just chock this one up to pure fate :stuck_out_tongue:
cant be happy all the time

Hi, well i think this is not a big surprise, that illusion mage is a fraud… two days ago i was reading a news paper and i found this advertising with, Seth Avery :stuck_out_tongue: in self?

And is not the only thing i found… searching in google, Seth Avery… i found this photobucket account this his picture.

Explore Chew Hiew Kuang

So… i wonder who upload this photo, when i go to the name of the owner, i found a lot of interesting stuff, but the most interesting of all… is this asian guy, with a blue background is the only picture that have this “DSC_0285.jpg” clearly from a digital camera, so this is the owner… i guest, the real Seth Avery is from Indonesia.

It is not illegal, nor is it unethical. However, it is not very nice to the people who hear about how great Blender is and then buy it before they learn that it is free.

Legality is one thing that can in most cases be labeled easily enough. This particular case is apparently within the law, as has been said in all the other threads on this topic. Unethical is another matter. Personally I think it is unethical (or at least morally lacking) whenever someone knowingly and willingly attempts to make money from the work of others without fair compensation to said others. That may be no more than opinion, particularly in this world where the majority seems to think dog-eat-dog behavior is something to be proud of, but it’s my very closely held opinion.

Basically, they are greedy F***ing bastards.

Really, the thing that really gets my goat is that they didn’t even make their own material for selling “their” product, all of the pics on the website CLEARLY say “” in the corner, and yet they have “Illusion Mage” just photoshopped (or sometimes they use PAINT) onto stuff. It’s despicable. Personally, i would (in a way) want Blender taken off being Open source, and charging people 0.01 cent on Paypal…as far as I’m concerned that would make me happy, because then it would be illegal for these people to sell the software (and leading on from this, legal events would take place).

ALTHOUGH, on the blender website it actually says “You can sell any work you make with blender, for that matter, you can even sell Bleder itself!” Possibly wasn’t the BEST of ideas putting that up…

I’ve got four things to say here:

  1. I’m sorry if this is a too late post
  2. I managed to get the sourcecode off IllusionMage ITSELF, not just the Blender source:
  3. Yesterday wasn’t available (some hackers/flooders over here?)
  4. Sorry for my bad English ^^
  1. I managed to get the sourcecode off IllusionMage ITSELF, not just the Blender source:
    So ?
  1. Yesterday wasn’t available (some hackers/flooders over here?)

Their site seems to be running pretty fast for me. Well your idle threats in your conversation amused me and probably Illusionmage as well.
Why not just move on, these sites are going to exist however much you may object to them.

can we get a thread closing? I think its time this thread died. I remember posting in this almost 3 months ago when it first started :stuck_out_tongue:

also ive completely changed my view on the matter, when it comes down to it, people are really only paying for the training…I know I need some training…and at the point Im at…its not exactly free :smiley:

Mmm… Yeah, I know they’re selling training, but aren’t they supposed to tell you it’s 'blender, not ‘Illusionmage’? I think they’re doing something wrong. I’m aware of the fact that paid training is mostly always better and faster than free tut’s, but I think they’re doing it wrongly…

@ Richard Marklew: 2) says: You can now give illusionmage away for free
3) says: YESTERday, not now, kind of a difference…