Thank you for putting the time to try to make something sketch-useful in Blender. It is an area of prime importance to architectural design. I have bought your addon, but I find for the complexity of models that I work with the Freestyle isn’t worth the long time to it take render linestrokes.

Also, I’ve posted a separate topic in general of how to achieve a bettter scattered Ambient occlusion with some GI similar to what Rhino produces in the viewport. Blender internal was great for this but it took time. I am thinking that if Rhino is able to do it in the viewport, there should be a way to do it in Eevee.

The Eevee image is something that started from your default sketch style with some adjustments to ambient occlusion and the sun position addon in Blender 2.81, but it’s still nowhere near as good as the Rhino viewport one.