Smart Fill Addon 1.4.0 - Blender 2.9.3

Now happens every time.

You mean when you use 2.79?

Yes, it happens since 2.79RC2 when I change from 2.78

Hi! I’m getting this error when enabling the Smart Fill add-on in 2.79:

I’ve noticed an issue in 2.79 where grid fill doesn’t happen as it used to - defaults to regular F2 behaviour I think.

Thanks for all the info guys! Keep posting all errors and we will fix it in the comming update!

All smart tools need 2.79 patch, I really like them.

Smart Fill works well for me with 2.79 so far. Haven’t noticed any bugs or errors.

Yeah i will do my best to fix them. It’s a matter of time. But i will start with smartfill.

Not having errors so far in 2.79. Did anyone mention filling holes of 90 degrees face angles? Right now the corner gets messed up. Also, would it be possible to reconstruct a cube corner? Maybe it could reconstruct inwards or normal.

I know it can be reconstructed using the vertex F option by single faces but it would be super quick having a key modifier like the CTRL used for the grid fill but instead for switching between normal corner fill and inwards corner fill. ALT+Wheel is free! :slight_smile:

hi i have this problem enabling the addon, im using 2.79.1 version, any though?

I have the same issue.

Really sorry for the lack of commitment on my part these past months. My girlfriend recently got diagnosed with cancer and and has been a very hard time for me and my family especially the kids. On top of that i have switched industry and are no longer in front of the computer. Luckily everything are finally looking better. In Februari i will finally start to work on all of my scripts again so hang in there!

That really sucks to hear Jim. You are justified in not attending to the addon. I hope your dilemma is resolved soon!

Family comes first, always. Glad to hear that things are looking up. Still, good to hear that there will be updates to these wonderful addons :slight_smile:

Hopefully some news on the horizon?

Okay so here is an update i would hope i never had to do. But the reality is this, I am looking for a programmer that can help me grow my addons to the next level, and what is worse is that before i find one i can’t provide you with any more updates…

I am looking for a programmer that has the time to commit to a long term deal since addons will require a lot of updates, but mostly more features, and there is a ton of stuff left to be added. If you feel you are game, contact me and we can talk more. To all of you out there who have bought my addons,really sorry for letting you down again. I will do what is within my power to solve this.

Kindly // Jimmy

PS. I will post a copy of this text on all my treads to let everyone know, please do not remove this.

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House Cleaning

Your money is never wasted like it would be for a closed source thing that you can’t do anything with once the creator goes away and it breaks. Nothing prevents anyone from picking up the torch and running with development of a paid Blender addon any more than a free one. By paying for an addon and not distributing it, you’re just respecting the author’s income source but there’s nothing stopping anyone who purchased it from giving it away either or modifying it and giving away/selling it. The GPL guarantees that right to you. The only time this isn’t the case is with additional assets an addon may include that aren’t licensed under the GPL(ex: The decals and stuff that come with MACHIN3’s DECALmachine).

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House Cleaning