Smart Shaders: Grounds & Roads

Hi, this is a product I have been working on for some time now. I always loved making shaders and blender has gone through such amazing updates it’s fascinating what can be achieved with procedural shaders now. I am posting it here because I think it produced a few beautiful renders with nothing more than a subdivided sphere.

I call this shader pack Smart Shaders: Grounds & Roads. I want to keep it up actively with more releases and updates making Smart Shaders a relatively large library that artists add to their tool set.

The attached video is intended to be the trailer of course, but it mostly has shader animation and tests. So I think it makes sense to post it here. I do have a detailed thread about all the features.

I am specially happy with the realtime road shaders. The following is how the EEVEE render looks (realtime):

I personally love the look EEVEE gives it even though the ray-traced version is theoretically more realistic.

In case you are interested in purchasing, here’s the product page.

You get a 15% OFF if you buy before 6th JULY.

Here are some beauty shots to showcase the shaders.

The road render you saw above is realtime and every little element can be tweaked. Here’s a short screencast of how it looks in the viewport (with animation running in two viewports):

And to finish up here’s a cycles close up render (bitumen road). Much more realistic shadows and reflections as expected. I might post more renders tomorrow. Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

All comments and suggestions welcome.


Here are some more road renders I made for testing the CYCLES ray-traced version of the shaders: