Snow, blend file

A m a z i n g ! ! ! ! !

Wow. Clever and probably the best snow and water effect better than almost anything I’ve seen in the digital realm!

Thanks for the feature. Gonna be on the good mood all week

@draise. Thanks, but it’s a bit exaggerated :o

Between this and your Mossy rock, you have show true mastery of particles, both in rendering and wrangling.

Five Stars!

First of all congrats on making it twice on the featured banner, first the Rocky Moss and now this [round of applause]

That closeup of the berries sent shivers down my spine of how beautiful it looks…

Woah.:eek: I wonder how looks material for snow? It’s probably incredibly simple?

Damn thats some crazy skill trning suzanne in photorealistic snow!

This is simply staggering. Care to share your node setup?

Absolutely fantastic …

a friend sent me your image saying i need to be more like you. Damn nice work!.


You used a very interesting method for creating that snow, i was amazed by the process. I assumed that this was achieved through Grouped models and particle systems. The fact that this has been done using the suzanne mesh and geometry displacement makes this even more impressive.

Great work, this is an inspirational scene.

This is absolutely beautiful, and you did a great job with the lighting and colors as well. You are truly blessed with talent.

This is really outstanding work. One of the best closeups made with Cycles i think.

This is 100% photo-real. Congratulations!

Rated 5+ you deserve it!

The HDRI lighting map it is free ?

It’s incredible! Scene can be downloaded. Not for commercial use

this should be on the front page of… talk about a selling point:) Great attention to detail, simply beautiful.

Guys, thanks for the warm comments, i really appreciate it!

On the snow material and ndoe setup - i’ve allready posted it and i’ll post it again, it’s realy not complex. Hardest part was the iterrations and tests, playing with the settings.

At first i’ve tried with geometry and displacement with SSS material but couldnt get enough details on snow. Then i’ve tried a bit more complex geometry (suzanne with higher subsurf and displace) but this time with volume shader and some complxe noise texture combination. Reluslt was much better, but still couldn get wanted look, snwo wasnt shiny enough. On the next day i got shocked with new idea - complex geometry as hair emitter. And at that night i modelled the brabch/twig with ice and drops. It was good, but after recieveing critics on artistic side, the update was much better.

The hdri is combo from HDRIs from adaptivesamples (st lucia bridge and goldne gate. Sun is from one, sky is from another had to modify colors)

Numarul7, thanx for the rating!

P.s. My brother got married today, so sorry if my grammar isnt good today, im a bit drunk :spin:

For me this is more than realistic. You have been able to catch a moment in time and make it better than reality. Congrats it is really A M A Z I N G!!

Very impressive!