Something that's always bothered me...


Haha, I love it when people argue about intelligence and mis-spell big words at the same time. I was thinking, “What is a hippo crate? Figure of speech?” It’s hypocrite, and hypocritical.

yeah, I realized I misspelled it after I posted it. %| :expressionless:

Great story, oxman. Words of wisdom indeed.

Yeah, their false, stick-on asses. :wink:

There are women here??

As long as they’re naturally hot, they won’t be offended.

… until your friends show you the video that is ;).

Yup, I’m the problem as usual.

Me too. Some people say it’s shallow to be like that but then why are human beings naturally appreciative of beauty? When you go into an art shop with loads of pictures, you don’t pick the one you hate, you pick the one that makes you stop and stare. Like this: I think it’s genetic.

It could be a misinterpretation of the term used by medical people called the hippocratic oath: but your right, for a person who is

to not know that is quite funny.

No offence to you lemmy, of course ;), we forgive mispelling from people who are not condescending.

people get shallower and shallower with each generation…

dante: a little chlorine in the gene pool wouldn’t be such a bad thing, if you catch my drift :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m definatlly going to use that one later on ;)’

touche! :slight_smile:

Well I know a lot of girls, I spent a lot of time with them, and they like to talk to me. A older woman said ones to me, you’re nice, helpfull and if there’s something wrong you would help. That’s what girls like about you, because you don’t want to kssl them at first sight, or sleep with them on the first date.

When I like a girl, I’m not always looking from the outside, but what’s inside, if she is friendly, nice to talk to, and don’t act as a b…ch. If she wants more then that she asks and I follow, and when I like her really much I just tell her. So something like the story that you posted here wouldn’t happen to me I hope. And what do you mean: ‘she doesn’t look nice, wne naked’ … maybe a … shemale? Did that happened to you? Oooh My …(guess the rest) :expressionless:

More than you can guess I’d say.


I don’t have any objections if that’s all what you truly want, from your life… As far as I’m concerned, under certain circumstances, everything is acceptable…

They are both lying and some times it is worst when you hide things about your character. An ugly face can’t hurt others in the same degree as an ugly character can, if you get my point…

Even the shallowest of them all, will sooner or later dump you, when she finds out how much of a “jerk” you can become. Trust me…

Look!!! Just to clarify something here…

I am not implying that you’re wrong here. If physical beauty is more important to you, it’s fine with me… Nevertheless, it is what you are and you should be honest, firstly towards yourself… If life has tought me something, is that when you’re acting against your own “nature”, only disasters can happen…

It’s just that when I read your post, I sensed a degree of resent towards women (in a “subconscious” level ofcourse…). Maybe I was wrong and in such a case I apologise in advance. In any case, I’d like to remind you, that down in the bottom, women and men are not different despite what “they” teach us. They are both people…

What you do to others, comes back to you 10 times greater…

Love them and you’ll be loved…
Respect them and you’ll be respected…
Show honesty and you’ll be treated with the same courtesy…

Just think ugly thoughts, only for once and even unwillingly, about others and your own ugly thoughts, will betray you…

Stay true and you have no one and nothing to fear from…

I wish you to find your happiness… :smiley:

No, you’re actually right - people are really good at picking out personality flaws on this forum, md01 also figured correctly that I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I have had a lot of bad experiences with women and I do hold some resentment towards them as a whole. One thing I hate most is that feminism today seems to have become a fight for the rights of women to the detriment of the rights of men rather than a fight for equality.

The whole thing recently about divorce favouring women hit a raw nerve too.

I wish that were true. I gave my mum £50 yesterday ;). I think you mean if I’m shallow then girls will be shallow in return. I don’t think that’s the case specifically but probably in general. Like, women know guys are shallow so they try to make themselves look good. But that just makes guys more shallow because they judge women based on the competition they themselves enter. It’s a vicious circle really.

I think people just express it more freely in successive generations. It’s a bit like saying there are more homosexuals now than ever before. I think, although people don’t like to admit it, we are all shallow. For example, when advertisers for 3rd world countries try to get people to send money, do they pick the fat, ugly kids? No, they pick the sweet, cute kid that makes people go aaawww. When advertisers make underwear ads, do they pick cellulite laden heifers? No, because women don’t want to think that’s how they’ll look and men don’t want to see women looking like that.

It’s been the same for all generations. Think of the Roman times, do you think that the ugly girls made it as concubines? Doubt it, they would be make to cook and clean while the attractive ones pleasured the emperors.

How true. Sometimes I wish I’d never been born. %|

But I have and it’s gotten me nowhere. I have always been a really honest, kind person who looks for personality more than looks and maybe I’ve just been unlucky but IMO girls do not look on the inside despite what they say. I suppose you could say that I shouldn’t go after those girls then. But they’re the girls that I feel ill over. The ones I want to grab hold off. Girls whom I’ve known that are nice are ok to hang out with but I have no strong feelings for them because they don’t produce any physical attraction.

I know it’s just one example and I’ve mentioned it before but in the TV show Average Joe, the beauty queen who had to date loads of average looking people and pick between them, was then given some handsome guys thrown in near the end. Now, she had built up a relationship with a guy called Adam who had a great sense of humour, was honest and kind but was of course average looking.

One of the pretty boys who remained (I think he was called Jason) she had known for about 3 weeks and guess who she picked. Yup Jason. Ok, I’m not going to base my opinions solely on a TV show but in my own experience, it is indicative of society as a whole:

It’s for the reason that I see so many shallow self-absorbed pricks doing so well in life that I think what the hell is the point in being a nice person? Ok, you get respect, you make nice friends but I want to get laid, well and often.

I heard in another post I made about finding work etc. that I have to believe in and sell myself. Likewise in relationships. It’s totally true, you have to convince people that you are worth being with irrespective of who you truly are. Have you ever read the famous book “How to win friends and influence people”? I can assure you it doesn’t say just be yourself.

So what do I do - try and convince people that I’m a good person or just be a good person. I’ve done the latter and I’ve had zero success. What I have done as a test is the former and it does work but it’s false. I want people to like me for who I am. You may say that is hypocritical based on this thread but this thread was never intended to be about judging people on looks, it’s about people lying about who they truly are.

Thanks :). I don’t think I’ll ever find happiness though, whether I act shallow or not. Stepford Wives don’t exist. :wink:

That resentment you feel towards women, maybe part of your problem…
Though I share some of your thoughts about feminism and how women are regarded by the law, in the case of a divorce etc, still that doesn’t mean that I must see all women as “enemies” or something, or that it’s entirely all women’s fault… And it doesn’t mean that all women are shallow…

But if I “see” all women as shallow, then all women will “see” me as an idiot, because my attitude “radiates” my resentment towards them, all the way out…

Think about it a bit…

I don’t know that TV show you’re talking about in your example, but most of the Jasons of this world, wouldn’t go anywhere, if they also didn’t have a strong and confident personality to back up their looks. I don’t know which comes first, the personality or the appearance, but I definetely know that “average looking Adam” looks average because he also thinks of himself, as one…

Think about that a bit, too…

I don’t read such kind of books. The people who write such rubbish, 99% of the cases are total loosers who just want to make some easy money and besides, even if they actually had the slightest clue about the things they are writing for (which they don’t), they certainly couldn’t tell me how to run my life. Every person is unique and their opinions are not applicable to everybody…

And I’m saying for the last time, that you should continue being yourself…
I’ve allways tried to be faithful to that and I can tell you that I have something to remember with regret, for every time that I failed…

this is what you should do Dante

1)slap her for misleading you
2)turn out the lights and follow through(after chugin lost of alchohol)
3)tell her to get the hell out as fast as she can
4)When she call’s you again–Make excuses like you’re ill and need a Doctor :smiley:

I just want to clear up a few things about what I said.

First of all

It could be a misinterpretation of the term used by medical people called the hippocratic oath: but your right, for a person who is
NQE wrote:
at the top of my graduating classes and got the highest ACT score on my first try that anyone in my district has ever gottento not know that is quite funny.

I spelled hippocrite properly. And I am aware of the hippocratic oath.

Second, my offense to this doesn’t have anything to do with men or women, it’s that this used to be a good clean forum. At least when people post nude art that put a warning on it (usually.)

i would have been to drunk to remember, and i wouldent give ashit about how she looked like. Unthil next day. Then im Fucked up

I’d probably not be able to get a boner…

I would hurt her very badly then sick a blowtorch on her and call the police.
I hate girls that want to look cute.

AND before anyone blows their top, I know that these people don’t represent the majority.

I think people just express it more freely in successive generations. It’s a bit like saying there are more homosexuals now than ever before. I think, although people don’t like to admit it, we are all shallow. For example, when advertisers for 3rd world countries try to get people to send money, do they pick the fat, ugly kids? No, they pick the sweet, cute kid that makes people go aaawww. When advertisers make underwear ads, do they pick cellulite laden heifers? No, because women don’t want to think that’s how they’ll look and men don’t want to see women looking like that.

It’s been the same for all generations. Think of the Roman times, do you think that the ugly girls made it as concubines? Doubt it, they would be make to cook and clean while the attractive ones pleasured the emperors.

I blame it on lack of morals. Who the hell has morals anymore? There is not real right and wrong because people can choose what is right and wrong. Hell, I’m surprised people still have a cow over the death penalty anymore.

Americans especialy seem to have slunk to fence riding hypocrits. Its just part of our culture anymore…Its ‘no big deal’ that women are largely comercialized as objects and that teen sex is becoming more and more acceptable as long as you ‘use protection.’

In regards to the Gay Thing specifiicly: I view it as a sickness just as much as skitzophrenia. Of course, homosexuality is more of a question of morals and desire than anything else. Since Americans (I keep picking on them because I am American and have seen this first hand) refuse to universally choose what IS right and wrong, they figure that whatever that person chooses is “right.”

I’m not going to say that you cant be gay. I dont care what you choose. I dont think its natural and I dont like how some gay groups demand more rights and act terribly obnoxious about the fact that they are gay.

do you think that the ugly girls made it as concubines?

Define ugly and show me a girl who couldnt make it as a slut if she wanted to. Seems to me that throughout history there were A LOT of ugly prostitutes (even in the movies! gasp). Of course, I’m not omnitiant and I dont know everything…do you? :wink:

It’s HYPOcrite, nummy!
I didn’t even need this to tell you that, but here’s proof from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary…

EDIT- On a side note, what exactly was the highest score in your district BEFORE you took the test?

I was being ironic.

Hypo=root for less.

I don’t know the previous highest score, but I got a 35 right off the bat with no studying. Now if I wasn’t lazy, I’d get better grades. Still, 4.17 GPA is not bad.

:o I can’t believe that you just equated sexual orientation with mental illness.


hypo=root for less, hippo=big dumb animal whose teeth have to be sawed off so they don’t bite through their own mouths and who also have little birds peck at them all day while they wander around in nipple-deep (depending on how tall you are) water…
NQE1, the only thing ironic about your post that I see is that you said one thing, but apparently meant something completely opposite, which, i’m sure, a lot of people didn’t catch.

The only thing mentally ill about sexual orintation is that people question other people’s sexual orientation…it’s none of their business (althogh, there are some funny jokes about it, heh… but all in good natured fun. Nothing that i know of that’s worse than a blonde joke…)

That’s BS, people have been shallow since way back. Just like how people will say that the youth of today are constantly in decline… I wonder how often figures are really compared per-capita with previous generations. Different forms sometimes, but same situations.

