Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic has to be THE greatest ever!
It was the first game I ever played. My favourite is probably Sonic and Knuckles with Sonic 2 on top.
I just remembered how upset I was when knuckles died on Sonic and Knuckles. I actually stayed by him for ages hoping he’d resurrect.
Howwever, I feel that Sonic should have stayed 2d. All the 3d games I played sucked. Just hope the new one proves me wrong…

Any game at all. They play the bonus stages (where you had to get all the blobs/orbs or whatever)

I agree, that’s why everyone who ever liked sonic needs to pick up a nintendo DS and Sonic Rush. I’m not kidding when I say it’s probably the best sonic game I’ve ever played. you fly from screen to screen and all the obstacles are actually 3D and physics-based (for launchers etc… hard to describe). check out the video

I like Sonic Adventure, the music goes really well with the environments. The only thing i didnt like about it was finding the levels, you would have to explore around for a while until you found out where the next one was. But as far as 3D Sonic games go i think this is the only one i liked. Sonic Heroes kinda sucked…

The new one looks astounding, if they can get the collision and camera problems fixed as said before, now if I had an Xbox 360.

I do think the best sonic games were 2D. Sonic and Knuckles was my favorite. I think I read they once wanted to do knuckles for Sonic 1 locked to Sonic and Knuckles but it was said that was scrapped because Knuckles caused the game to crash when gliding onto the conveyors in Scrap Brain zone.

Have you guys ever played any of the Sonic fangames? They’re all in 2D except for one or two of them. I’ve got at least 30 in my personal free games collection…

So you already have this one? It’s one of the few I know, but I’d like to see what other 3D Sonic fan games there are. And yes, most are 2D as it should be.

I go to a community of a game making program as well and let me tell you there’s a lot of sonic games that have been made, some of them are just plain sad and some are really well done.

I also notice a lot of them (according to screenshots) all over the net have used sonic tilesets and backgrounds almost exclusively and sometimes mix them.

How hard would it be to pixel a few tiles that would unique but match the sonic graphics style?

Yeah, Sonic Robo Blast 2 was the one I had in mind when I mentioned “one or two” 3D fangames. Here’s a site that has a ton of them if anyone’s interested:

Caiman free games - Sonic freeware games

I’ve only tried a few. Out of what I’ve tried, I really liked “One Girl Army”. It breaks the mold of the “typical Sonic game” while still staying true to the Sonic style. (Prepares for criticism)

Wow thanks for this thread, now i’m inspired to do some newbie modelling of some of the elements of the original sonic game (Still haven’t really made anything after 2 yrs). maybe i’ll start with some of the plants and trees. It would be cool to see a low-poly 3D sonic game made entirely with Blender3D

ok, sorry, but i’m about to do a little more nit-picking. first, knuckles didn’t die in Sonic and Knuckles, else he wouldn’t have made and appearance in the rest of the Sonic games that came afterwards. also, supposedly, you could use Sonic 1 on the Sonic and knuckles cartridge, but you had to push a+b+c (is that the code for special stages with a non-sonic cart?). whatever, i only learned of the secret codes for the game after i sold my Genesis (weeps…). oh, and before i forget, valarking needs to be shot. that was a rather profane statement, especially for a thread about a game so innocent as Sonic the Hedgehog.

I do remember trying to put all of our cartridges on the sonic and knuckles cartridge and accessing the special stages within. Each cartridge gives a different stage. Now I don’t know if it’s preset support for certain games or uses some algorithm.

You shot me with your Bow of Arcane Power and MISSED because I threw a successful saving throw!!! OH SNAP!

ouch, Ragman! You were supposed to miss! Now my Cape of Shadows +3 has a hole in it from your damn pretend arrow! MOM!!!

Screw this, let’s go play some Sonic. I’ll bring the Mountain Dew.

LARPing is fun isn’t it RagMan?

BTW For anyone who hasn’t seen him, RagMan is the handsome fellow holding the sword:

unfortunately, that’s somewhat accurate. i’d rather use a huge-ass sword instead of a sissy bow any day. but seriously, yellow is not my color. i’m more of a dark blue/black kinda guy. plus i’ve got long hair. do some photoshopping, and you’ve got me. also, you better hurry up with the mountain dew, i’m freakin’ thirsty.

Sonic rocks!

There where two kinds of people… Mario and Sonic people…

I’m one of the Sonic people :wink:

Joongle, actually there are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can’t.

I regularly make love to sonic AND mario by the way. it’s a sharp, mushroom-fueld angry love.

don’t judge me.

I’m afraid he did.
Well after Dr Robotnik electrocuted him and he fell to the ground not moving after he helped Sonic it seems kinda obvious.
The games don’t seem to have much to do with each other.

From what I’m reading (FAQs, Walkthroughs), Knuckles gets up again after being electrocuted, and helps Sonic escape (then he collapses, etc.). But remember that playing as Knuckles comes after that, so it means he recovered.

oh my god! have you people never beaten S+K using sonic? after being electricuted, the floor collapses, and after sonic tries to escape, knuckles gets up, opens a door that leads to a teleporter, which he activates, taking sonic and himself to the Sky Sanctuary zone, where he glides across a gap and activates a bridge, allowing you to cross and complete the level. ta. daa. he’s alive. exhausted, but alive.

We’ve beaten Sonic 1-3 and S & K a long time ago, usually it worked like this, my brother was sonic and I was tails and I did all the dirty work because tails could die over and over.

oh, oh, that sucks. i’d start demanding payment after the third zone.