Sonic The Hedgehog

Ha ha, right, I enjoyed it, in the first years of doing it he’d purposely try to keep me off the screen but later as we got a bit older we started cooperating more.

I do remember our twin cousins playing sonic and that was fun to watch, when they were little they often said things like “tails got into the poooooopy” But in later years of playing it the dileogue matured and often called tails precious moments.

Nah man, they aren’t in any chronological order. Just 2 different scenarios I think.

Ragman: Well he stayed very damn still for someone you think was just trying to get their breath back.

They are in chronological order. Knuckles’ route is shorter because some of Zones (Death Egg Zone) are no longer available after having been destroyed by Sonic. For the same reason, Robotnik is not seen and EggRobo is the final boss when playing as Knuckles.

actually, mecha-sonic is knuckle’s final boss (the music for that fight is so freakin awesome; someone has to do some kinda remix of it). also, knuckles doesn’t stay still forever. you must not have tried moving around as sonic, or else you would have seen knuckles get up, and help you escape. if you find it hard to verify this, just download a genesis emulator and an S&K rom, and play through sonic’s levels again.

[EDIT] because i know people are lazy:
Sonic and Knuckles rom -
Sega Genesis Emulator -

ps - emulator is for windows, sorry.

You do realize a real Sega genesis is dirt cheap if you know where to find one. It just wouldn’t be the same playing it on an emulator if you don’t have the origional controller.

do you really think i’d remove myself from this chair, walk across the street to my local video game dealer (Game Trader’s Club, so much better than Blockbuster, WOOT!!), and shell out $10 for a Genesis, 2 controllers, and a sonic and knuckles cart?? geez, the nerve of you… actually thinking i’d put effort into any one task…

You’d be experiencing sonic though the way it was meant to be back then. I find it easier to use a controller for consol games then a keyboard.

what do you mean by “back then”? it’s like you don’t think i’m old enough to have owned one. dude, i had one, and i had sonic 1, 2, and S&K (and some other games, most on a 6 in 1). it was a wonderful time, then i had to sell it, so that i could get a used Playstation. now i have an old dreamcast, and despite what anyone says, that system still kicks ass!!

Oops, my mistake. I haven’t actually finished the game.

Thanks! I’ve never played the sonic and knuckle before and like it. It is kinda weird to play knuckle though cause i’m not used to it glide yet.

[a little off topic] Which other genesis games (ROM) would you reccommend that I try out? [/off topic]

"also, knuckles doesn’t stay still forever. you must not have tried moving around as sonic, or else you would have seen knuckles get up, and help you escape. "

I’ve played the game several times.
Knuckles bashes the door thing down then glides across the gap onto the switch which allows you to pass and dies.

As I can tell, i’ve seen the whole game from start to finish with Sonic/Tails and Knuckles and he doesn’t die. In the sky century zone he activates a bridge then you see him catching his breath on the switch, not laying dead.

When you play Knuckles you know he doesn’t die, if he died then why can you complete the game with him?

hey, considering that odd little comment about how genesis games are “meant” to be played, does anyone know how to mod a genesis controller and make it work with a compy?

and for the nice gentleman asking for genesis games:
all the sonic games (not Cracker, it’s a supposed “beta”, and it sucks)
Streets of Rage I,II (III sucks, but i’m still waiting for remakes of the first 2)
6 in 1
—Super Hang-On
—Golden Axe
—(I don’t care about the other games, and they’re different according to region)
Sailor Moon (yeah, i know, it’s a girl anime, but the gameplay is solid. gotta find the right emulator, though)
Spider Man (there’s also one with Venom, but i forget the name of it now…)

there’re a lot more than that, those are only the ones i remember at the moment, and are in no specific order. a lot of them are side scrollers, with the only thing differentiating them from one another is the story, music, and graphics. if you’re looking for music, i’ve always found the Streets of Rage games to have awesome music (pump up those phat beats!!) i’ll list some more here if i think of any.