Space Probe Drone

Having a cold, so to fight the everlasting boredom sitting at home, i doodled out a space ship thingy.
Broad idea was to have a drone which pokes asteroids for whatever reason. Kinda what Osiris did.

As usual, made with blender 3.6 and rendered in cycles.
All textures/models made by me.

Thread thumbnail:


First try at a scene/composition. Found a cc0 spark texture and slapped onto the front of the ship. Made a quick wall geometry and added a volume and some alphacards with clouds.
I guess i will clear out the cloud between ship and camera a bit as well as trying to get some more texture in the background, the wall looks a bit meh right now.


Most of it done now.
Moved lights a bit around, blocked the light in the bottom left corner with a cheeky black plane near the camera.
I will probably do another detail pass over the ship, before i consider everything final. Might try again with adaptive subdivision to get more surface detail into the ship, right now its all just normal maps, appearing slightly flat on the rear section of the ship.

Bonus shot


Probably the last iteration, will sleep a night over it and then see if i am still happy as i am right now :wink:

Added some more details to the ship/environment, increased sense of scale on the sparks and fixed some denoising issues in comp - image should now appear cleaner in the defocus areas.