Speedflow [$] - Modeling Addon

well its not a totally change but additional workflow to choose from
an “OPTION” in settings is like or choosing modal ( default ) or non-modal ( Classic )

and i think it requires additional code of work
but yes , No Problem

im still looking forward for widgets option

I agree with bassig. I am still learning how to use blender 2.8 and I am interested in buying SpeedFlow soon but one of the things that refrain me from buying it is the amount of hotkeys that the user has to remember to be able to use SpeedFlow with its full potential.

I’d also prefer to click on buttons and sliders rather than pressing hotkeys.

Those “hotkeys” are literally highlighted in the addon’s HUD itself. The only hotkey you need to remember is the one that trigger the piemenu.

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Well to be fair, I love Blender especially because there are so many ways to hotkey everything you need. I always hated looking for the right tiny button and clicking through lots of menus in 3ds Max. It allows you to work so much faster.

In case of modifier settings though, I think these don’t benefit as much of shortcuts because you have every attribute right under your nose anyway to edit - there are no lengthy menus you’d have to browse through to find something specific. In the end it comes down to personal preferences, thanks to this community we have lots of good solutions to choose from.

As for buying, even if you’re not sure if you’d like to commit to Speedflow’s controls, the price is pretty cheap for the things it can do IMHO.

The shortcuts are the same on each modal.
On the beginner mode there is only 3 shortcuts per modal.

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I was a “two months” Blender without prior 3D experience when I bought Speedflow, the primer version was lesser userfriendly compared to the latest one.
Yet I learned his interface in less than a hour just by doodling/toying with it. It literally saved my relationship with Blender lol. There’s NOTHING to be afraid about this addon I tell you.
Also Pitiwazou released literally tonZ of videotutorials about Speedflow, and there’s a community around it that will help you in a matter of seconds.

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Oh and with Speedflow you’ll get ‘Speedflow Companion’ too (you are not forced to install it btw) which is really helpful in a lot of ways. Nice combo that will skyrocket your productivity.

Cap a Screw,

Screwed a circle 270° to make an open torus. Can you Cap the open ends without turning to mesh?


try this

Please consider adding something like this to speedflow

I think if we would can click and drag over text values (addon viewport overlay info texts) to change parameters and click hold to enter (type) values, your addon step to another user friendly level, easy and quick to use.
(with shift key increase precision, ctrl step values)
(maybe using some modifier key like alt to change text for do not accidental changes)

You just want a modifier popup, use companion modifier popup.

No… no dialog popup, modal interactive overlaide texts… easy, quick, clean… but Ok if you dont like this, your addon still great…

Ok, I understand.
Sadly, right now it’s not possible.
I would like to have icons on companion where you can click on them to lanch speedflow or a modifier popup with only the modifier you want to work on, but I don’t know if it’s possible.

After, I personally think it slower than using the same keys (S, D, F, G).

  • you don’t have to move the mouse and click on the UI
  • You don’t have to watch the UI in fact, just work on your object
  • you don’t have to enter a value on the keyboard
  • You don’t have to press enter to valid it.

With shortcuts:

  • You can make a rotate, zoom on your selection
  • One click, mouse mouve + click, finish

Way faster IMO.

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Perfect, thanks

Speedflow v0.0.14 online!



Every time I add a modifier to an object, Speedflow automatically adds a Weighted Normal modifier as well if there wasn’t one before. Is that supposed to happen? It makes absolutely sense to move Weighted Normal automatically to the end of the modifier stack when adding a new modifier, but IMHO it shouldn’t simply create one if there wasn’t one in the first place.

It’s on purpose yes, the weighted will fix normals on the objects.
I have to see how I can make it optionnal.
I already made the modal for it, so, I’ll think about it.

I’m starting Speedfow basics, some small tutorial videos to learn Speedflow.
This is the result of the first one.


The modifier is great but not for every purpose. Sometimes it is better to use the Harden Normals option in the Bevel modifier or no weighted normals at all, this is very dependent on the object and how it is meant to be used (mostly assets for game engines in my case). A checkbox to disable the automatic addition in the addon settings would be nice. :slight_smile: