Starbucks Frappuccino

Yea, it was a quickie render. Wanted to display my problem immediately.

Just a question-is HDRi possible in Indigo? If so, how?

If you’re using Blendigo for the export (and you should be) Under the Environment Tab, choose “Environment Map.” Then choose the exr file you wish to use for lighting.

Well, here’s another update. Still have that frapp color problem. And I did what you said, 5_on_it, I converted a Starbucks shop pic to .exr and made it the env. I really got that in-the-shop look this time. But it messed up the shading to the 3 objects around the frapp, which are simple Diffuse shaders (indigo mat.) When I use physical sky+sun, I lose that shop-feel but I get the diffuse shaders back to normal.

So present problems: Frapp Color and Primitives shading.
It seems that when I solve one problem, another pops right up. I hope to end that soon…

A solution I have thought of is to make a Blended Indigo mat, one for the transparent+sss coffee color, and the other for the stickers. But whenever I do it, Indigo crashes!
Any ideas? I don’t know if this helps, but I have Bidirectional enabled and Hybrid off.

As always, click for a larger view (1024x768), and if you look close enough at the drink itself, there is a slight env reflection. :smiley:


I saw the reference and was like damn that’s some good modeling!

heh Vincimus just wait a few years… you’ll see…:cool:

To fix your bottle, you could do this. Set your bottle material up as you did before without the sticker. Maybe do a test render to make sure it looks right.

To add the sticker, make a copy of the bottle and scale it up a smidge, just enough to raise the sticker off the surface when you add it (a real sticker would do that anyway). Then create a blended material as I stated before, but this time the two materials will be the Sticker and the other set to a “Null” material (Invisible). This way the sticker will be floating ever so slightly above the original bottle material and shouldn’t interact with it and mess it up.

I would download your blend file and show you an example, but whenever I click on your link it won’t let me download the file.

Good to see the saga continues !! Looking awesome !

hmmm… thats weird. let me upload again. here’s the link.

>Trickster: Thank you! I will finish this!

Well, I played around with Composite Nodes today. (The second render, BI) I gave it a dark, contrasty blur effect. Then I did 2 Indigo renders at a front+back angle. I still hope to beat the color problem, 5_on_it I will try that method you mentioned.


Ok. I have an idea. Let’s say I made a totally NEW version of the frappuccino- The dark choco version. Here it is. (Final Render) I took a picture of my dining room and converted to exr, then made it an Indigo env map. :smiley:

Looks great man! There is still a little noise due to Indigo but it still is awesome! Great work!

Thanks Dudebot, and the funny thing is I rendered this for 5hrs 4min, and there is still a considerable amount of noise. I’m just glad I got this off my back.:RocknRoll:

Wow that is a lot less that I would of expected really. Maybe it is just my computer. I had more noise than that on a scene that took 66 hours to render… must be my computer. But still looks great man!