Starting a BGE tutorial/development website

@kurotatsu -> I don’t really think we should re-name our blends in the manner you said, since we could write the author in a “text” script, present inside the blend file, and visible when the readers open the files.
About the 2.49 users -> I hope we will not have to use 2.49, because it’s starting to become deprecated for gaming and scripting (it’s still very good at all the other things it can do, since many of them lack the bugs introduced in the 2.5x versions).
►Still, some “porting” tutorials from 2.49 to 2.5x would prove to be much more useful:):yes:

P.S. Maybe we could start writing some tutorials(in something like Word, since it’s similar to the “text and image(even links can be added if I recall it correctly)” versions which could appear on sites), or even making the required “presentations” which would appear in a thread containing the tutorials.(+some video tutorials +/- audio would be great, too)

I did not mentioned wiki as solution for hosting this project but just to show up a way to get a quick start. Writing some tutorial drafts is easy. Getting early feedback from other can be very helpful and fixing mistakes at early stages is also a nice to have. Well written tutorials could then be pushed to the final webspace.


I’m happy to write a migration guide to 2.5.
As for the content, we will setup a creation guide.

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I suggest everyone interested in making the website gather around this week-end or the next one. My current local time is : GMT/UTC - 4 so I have 6 hours in difference with chritiani_if. To help you, it is currently 9ham while I write this reply.

If I call the meeting at 8h p.m. at GMT/UTC - 0 this Sunday, would it be okay to everyone? Is it too soon?

I think the two main goals of the meeting should be to decide if with the actual volunteers it is reasonnable to think we can start this project with a good quality and to choose “the” way the project should be. So, I suggest the agenda to be something like this :

  1. Opening and presentations

  2. Is the project feasible?

    • Experience with tutorials
    • Experience with the game engine
    • Time and productivity of each member
    • Interest and engagement
    • Quality of the equipment ( audio and video, only if we do video tutorials)
    • Domain and money stuff
  3. How do we want the project to be?

    • Video Vs written
    • project based Vs general information Vs “wikitionnaire”
    • implication of python
    • interaction with public
    • setting general guideline
    • choosing a way to communicate and work together (wikibooks, google docs …)
    • sketching a basic schedule
  4. closing the meeting

I suggest we meet via skype and I offer myself to lead the reunion. However, know that English is not my native language and as confident I am in my written english, I’m not sure I will be able to speak it well. ^^’ So maybe someone else should take the lead. Any volunteer?

I’m GMT (british summer time)
I’m on Skype my username is “the_computer_wizz_online”
don’t laugh, i made it when i was younger :L

Sorry, too late.XD

EDIT : Ho, and mine is “williamside” btw. It is supposed to be the english translation of my name. (side is côté in french)

►My Skipe id is “C*T+G=K-6/9” (no mathematical signs(+, -, /, *, =) or quotes - only the letters(not capitals, make them small letters) and the digits - just an anti-bot protection:)).

►Guillaume, would it be possible to move the meeting 3 hours earlier? (because at the time you’ve scheduled the meeting, the “people” around here are sleeping, and I don’t want to disturb them - yes, I know, the house was designed by an idiot - I can’t really help it at this time)

◄If you would want to, I could try to take the lead in “speaking” - I can talk fluently(provided that I have some “idea” of what I’m about to say:D), while I can also do it clearly and loudly(with and without accent) - I also have an idea about french(at least the pronounciation rules - most of them(80-90%)), therefore I may know how to understand what you may be trying to say:yes:

P.S. skype also has a “writing” part, in case you need to say something you can’t pronounce or something similar

By the way, I would like to recommend writing (it would be great in a text file) some(all?) of the possible answers to what we’re required to talk about - this way, we won’t need to worry about problems with communication, and you will be able to just send the answers, without any unwanted problems:

I think the two main goals of the meeting should be to decide if with the actual volunteers it is reasonnable to think we can start this project with a good quality and to choose “the” way the project should be. So, I suggest the agenda to be something like this :

  1. Opening and presentations
  1. Is the project feasible?
  • Experience with tutorials
  • Experience with the game engine
  • Time and productivity of each member
  • Interest and engagement
  • Quality of the equipment ( audio and video, only if we do video tutorials)
  • Domain and money stuff
  1. How do we want the project to be?
  • Video Vs written
  • project based Vs general information Vs “wikitionnaire”
  • implication of python
  • interaction with public
  • setting general guideline
  • choosing a way to communicate and work together (wikibooks, google docs …)
  • sketching a basic schedule
  1. closing the meeting

I also speak a bit of french, so we shouldn’t need to worry too much about communication issues

I am willing to write tutorials, should this site turn up. I am however not terribly happy to manage the web side of things (i already am managing a game project’s web page)
If you want to look at a tutorial that I have written you can hunt it down (only one publicly available so far) over here
I generally write tutorials on python and logic structures, and am willing to take suggestions on what to write them on.

I agree to switch the meeting hour to 5h p.m. GTM/UTC -0 this Sunday. The meeting will be leaded by christiani_if and the agenda will be the one I suggested.(unless someone make an opposition until then)

I volunteer myself to take notes of the decisions and to provide a resume of the meeting in the day.(well, let us say before I go to sleep)

sdfgsdfg, if you are interested in joining the team you’re welcome to the meeting. As is anybody who think can seriously imply himself.

Well, see you this Sunday gentlemen.

Theres already a Game engine section on BlenderCookie, its quite neglected since no one really writes tutorials aimed at BGE currently, or at least the ones who do submit something dont get though.

My point being, why start a new site for BGE tutorials where theres already more than adequate options around? BlenderCookie seems like the best option at the moment for tutorials, since the guys who run it are quite professional and have good quality control standards for the tutorials themselves.

AD-Edge -> you have a point, you know… However, I wonder if BlenderCookie can provide us the required “space” and “background”, in order to submit our tutorials “properly”. We’ll see what we can do about choosing the right site(s) and format:yes:.
@The rest -> not all who wanted to contribute have submitted a way of communication -> you can still participate in the tommorow(today) meeting - we’ll be there for you:)

Im with skype, as i have said.
I think blendercookie is a good idea.

For the Blender cookie Idea, I was originally thinking about it, but I don’t know how they welcome tutorials propositions from other people as they seem to have a very restricted and professional personnel. I think we should me or prove our worth before asking them anything. However, the blender cookie “template” is almost exactly what I would like our final project to look like. This can be discussed of course.

I will post a reminder of this meeting in the other thread in case didn’t know about this one.

After today’s meeting, the following mock-ups will be determined by each participant, namely Guillame, Christian and myself

Page layouts:

  • Written Tutorials
  • Video Tutorials
  • Home Page

Format of tutorial sorting:

  • Categories
  • Search

+Any additional notes you may wish to post.

►►Well, here’s what I’ve managed to write from our conference(and what I’ve understood:)).

◄►The things we(for now it’s only me, Guillaume and agoose) may want to do are:

◄-When making a tutorial, we should first “practice” the “video teaching” part (where we show the viewers what to do) while reading from a script with the tutorial.
◄The recording itself should be split into 2 parts. First, after we’ve practised “showing-what-it’s-to-be-done” in our curent tutorial, we should Video record(no audio) it first (Guillaume recommended for that).
◄After we record our tutorials, we start making the audio part ( in 3 versions if possible - English (main version), plus French and Romanian as secondary versions))

◄-agoose suggested using “quidelines” when making tutorials - certain steps should be made, and a certain structure should be used and kept.

◄-since it’s quite an issue with video python tutorials (mostly the quality of the picture - it’s quite hard to see what’s written in the python code area), we may restrict python programming to text( +image?) only versions

◄-we are supposed to draw some “sketch pages” for our site:
-how our home page is supposed to look
-(multiple?) pages(drawings) showing how the content will be managed (cathegories, tags, searching etc)
-the format of a written tutorial page
-the format of a video tutorial page

There may be some things I have forgot to write down which I may want to talk about here. I’ll try to recall them, and will post when I can:yes:

P.S. We’ll have to set up a schedule for our next meeting (I wanted to say I would like to have as many conferences as possible until the 11th of September - on 12 it’s when I start school, so I may not have a lot of time afterwards)

Add: I’ve found out that Guillaume’s GMT is -4, although right now it’s -3 (because the clocks are still set to the “summer hour”)

@Guillaume: Could you tell us the “intervals” (between which hours, according to your local time) when we can hold the meeting for Tuesday?

I have classes everyday (or almost) of the week from 4hp.m. to 9h30p.m. but I must prepare lunch and stuff so let us say I am free before 2h30 p.m. and 10h p.m. here. Considering I reside with other people, I will fix my available time from 9h30am to 2h30 pm and from 10hpm to 11h pm. Maybe a little more then 11hpm but not much. Which, in conclusion, if my calculations are right, gives us 5h30am GTM to 10ham GTM and 6h pm GTM to 7h pm GTM. If those hours don’t fit you well, I’m free all the weekend.

Also note that I won’t be home from the 5 to the 11 of the next month so it might be hard to contact me in this interval.

I was supposed to resume the meeting but I see it have pretty much already be done.

The only thing I’m asking myself now is should we continue to use this thread or if we should move to another more private place to discuss. We sure don’t want to spam the board, do we?

I think it would be best to start (from my point of view) at any time between 7:00AM GMT and 8:30AM GMT (our conference lasted about an hour and a half, right)( - since Guillaume must be on his way at 10:00AM GMT)?

@agoose77 - Is it okay for you (can you wake up?) to have the conference between the hours stated above?
►If yes, choose an hour you’re comfortable with, and that will be when we’ll start, for Tuesday.

◄►About spamming the board - I think it would be a wise idea to have a “backup” place where we can talk freely. If the moderators (or people) don’t mind us continuing to use this thread, perhaps we should continue with writing here. Since this will be regarded as an “active” thread (which we’ll update along the way with our progress) may draw more people to help us, and perhaps we’ll even get some useful feedback:yes:.

P.S. Don’t forget about the sketches;)

IMPORTANT EDIT: We’re re-scheduling the meeting for Thursday, ok?

Ho no, Sorry, my bad, my calculations were wrong.^^’

I’ll calculated as if I was to GTM + 4 instead of GTM - 4. =/ The good news is that I just remembered that I was free this Thursday So let us say that I’m free 1pm GTM to 2 am GTM (So yeah, I’m free up to 10h PM wich gives us 2 am GTM the next day). This time, I’m sure of my hours.XD

Thursday is fine to me.