Starting a BGE tutorial/development website

Using a CMS would save a lot of time, it takes care of all the mambo jumbo like accounts, right management, security, et cetera.
Also there are many extensions which makes life much easier (like blog tools, statistics, images handling, file handling, feeds, et cetera).

I would definitly recommend using a(n open source) cms, so you can focus on making the actual content, instead of spending a lot of time to build and maintain the backside and front side the website. But that’s just my opinion. :cool:

You can still make the template look like anything you want, but use the strength of a community build and maintained content management solution. Most problems are already tackled and taken care of. So you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. While you can focus on the things that matters most and thus have a greater end result based on the time saved, which can be spent into the content that actually matters. :wink:

I can highly recommend Joomla(.org),
and if you want or need help, it is really easy to install / set up.
I am willing to do the install for you, it is very easy and swift.
Then you can either build your own template, or choose and pick a freely available template to either use or convert to your likings. :yes:

And I don’t know if the domain name used is the definite solution or a temporary (I assume it is temporary?), since a dedicated domain would serve the community better or more and is easier to take care of in a community manner? :eyebrowlift2:

Or isn’t this supposed to be a community targeted website?
I hope I don’t overstep my boundaries here, in that case my apologies, I just try to help out with soem feedback and suggestions. :o

I hope this project succeeds! GL

Thanks Crumpet.
To be honest, i cannot make tutorials at the moment because of a faulty webcam & microphone. This gives me time to work on the site.
Secondly, a CMS doesn’t give us exactly what we need - time based captioning pulls off the javascript API for the youtube player.
Additionally, i recently inquired about some python callbacks on the #python channel, and the number of times that i heard “don’t reinvent the wheel” astounded me - the people there genuinely did not wish to help, and demanded that i just use existing libraries. If that were the case, we’d all be using Dunlop wheel by now ;).
Lastly, it gives me a chance to expand my skills in javascript a little more - it had been a while!

I hope to get another domain name, but as i don’t earn anything it would depend on how much contribution i were to get from the team members. I would probably use a free host, but use a paid for domain.

Indeed it is supposed to be for the community - we shall be grabbing a dedicated address in some form!

Thanks for your feedback; constructive criticism is a virtue.

I do not understand what a CMS would prevent from doing (related to youtube playback)?

The positive site of an Open Source CMS (like Joomla) does make sense in the following manner:
others can keep track of progress and help (joomla is documented, and other then what you experienced with the Python subject, Joomla is very well supported on any level of expertise, it is a very (very!) active community). Although I understand that Python should be developed and expanded for any improvement to occur.

But a CMS like Joomla is a never ending WIP, ppl who have more and better experience then yourself are working on parts they are more knowledgeable in. That is not telling you that you don’t know what you do, but that a community knows more then any skilled person on it’s own.

Besides Joomla is very easy to extend and modify. There is a reason why (?is it over?) 2% (?) of the web is build on Joomla. :wink:

When you, as apparently the main website developer atm, can’t maintain for a while or are for w/e reason not available, then others can easily step in on a standardized solution like Joomla.
(Hence due to the existing knowledge and ongoing development by the Joomla community).
Besides this, as mentioned before, there are many other benefits.

You can make any template you like, extensions for matter as Youtube playback exists, as do any other in high demand solutions (for both front end as back end). I am 100% confident that it offers anything you need and what you want to be very specific about the details in, is easy to convert or adopt.
Also is there (better) support for integration of solutions (phpbb smf galleries mediawiki, etc. etc.). :eyebrowlift2:
(wouldn’t recommend integrating solutions though)

You can give (limited) rights to ppl who contribute their own blog and upload images (or not).

Security is an other, literally thousands of skilled eyes do contribute to security.

I am not trying to sell Joomla, but am trying to sell the in my opinion best way to go to get the most out of this project.
It is not just a one time build, but an interactive ongoing investment, where with knowledge spread is interesting to help you out. Also like Blender / BGE, Joomla is Open Source and deserves the the support and feedback. :eyebrowlift:

For the domain name I think we as a community should support each other and look for existing solutions and check if these can support and contribute to each other, instead of all fishing separately in the same puddle with the same intentions.
I am providing this feedback because I believe in the cause, yet think it is like the game projects on BGE, there are many attempts, but few who succeed. Supporting existing community initiatives is one important aspect often overlooked IMO.
(Hence my earlier suggestion to communicate with - or any other perhaps existing BGE targeting platform) :wink:

Together we stand strong. :smiley:

If (and when) the right community decisions are made, it is more likely to gain more community support and interest. With better chances of survival and actually being able to actually make a big enough difference.

As you understood I started a project myself atm with very similar goals (not the same approach), and am willing to collaborate with existing good (great) initiatives. This most certainly is a good initiative.
And I am worried that by not using an existing CMS solution a lot of time and energy will go down the drain. A Joomla site is set up within hours, leaving time to create or modify a template, and start building on the content that matters. If you focus on making a template for joomla instead of the whole back end as well, you’ll be achieving much higher results within hours instead of weeks. And are laying a more future proof foundation.

Not trying to force you to do anything though, this is just one mans opinion. But with the best intentions: laying a good foundation that lasts the sands of time at least long enough to see not only the light of day, but to be able to actually achieve it’s goals and shine. :slight_smile: (overly dramatic :evilgrin: :D)

I have lots of free time at the moment. Additionally, ive lots of experience in web design php jscript and of course css. The issue comes with how everything is managed- captions and shortcuts are parsed on submission of a tutorial - custom to my site. Additionally they need access to the javascript api offered by a custom embed api. I can understand where you’re coming from, but for me Its not needed :slight_smile:

There are extensions available which can do this / solve this.
(And logically it is relative easy to create your own extension to do exactly what you demand, while coasting on the other benefits in existence)
An example:
Use tags like on fora used to integrate video content (the required scripts); :wink:

More similar solutions:

I think you might underestimate what is already out there: :eyebrowlift:

Anything you are likely to need or want is already done in some sort or form, if it doesn’t work out of the box to fit your demands exactly and/or if these aren’t specific enough, then it is easy to adopt and alter.
And don’t forget what is logic and easy to you, might not be to others.
What works for a one person’s site might not work for community targeting sites.
There isn anything which you can do yourself if required, and still benefit from the rest.

But if this doesn’t convince you, it must be something very special you try to achieve and this certainly gains (my) interest. :cool:
But then again, it might be wise to not make it any harder then it needs to be. If it becomes too exotic, is it then absolutely required? There are thousands and thousands of sites out there doing exactly this (thread subject) and do this with these default solutions.

To be honest I do not see any (good) reason to make everything from scratch while anything you need already exists. And can’t really see (so far) what is so specific that it wouldn’t fit or comply with what is in existence (in Joomla or other). :spin:

But if it does, then I am most certainly interested to see what this might become.

Other then if this is just personal fun project and nothing beats personal fun and in that case I’d say go have lots of fun! :smiley:

On there is a thread to initiate some cooperation between projects,
which might be the chance to dive in and make things work, benefiting together. Roadmap

I hope you are open for some collaboration, so we can get a few heads looking in the same direction, for the best of all of us.

By the sound of the support team of there are possibilities to realize (almost?) exactly what is in demand here?

All that seem to be required is make direct contact, I hope this works out!

Thanks Crumpet! :slight_smile:
I’ve completed video editing and submission, so the members system is the last keystone to add :slight_smile:

I know it’s a few million dollars over budget for what we’re doing, but I really like the star wars member system In particular, I like the way you can pick a customized character avatar and then create a signature like this for the forums. (site currently down, but try sometime).
The signature could be “upgraded” each time members “pass” a new training feature.

They also have a facility to organize members into guilds of common interest.

This isn’t BGE stuff, but if there were some artists who could create some great 2d artwork, it’s a neat concept.


Maybe a request or feedback function would be interesting?

@agoose77, do you let us know when you are ready for feedback?
I like how the video’s integrate in the website.
But the overall graphical implementation is still quite course (a.o. lengthy titles disappearing behind the images)

And maybe one text with explanation about what this webpage is and how to interact with it?
Like explaining the intentions and how to submit new content, request it, or discuss or communicate about the content like asking questions when you are stuck or misunderstanding something. And perhaps a way of downloading resources (the blend files / images)

Will do! :slight_smile:

So, what’s new!?

First, you may notice a new “feedback” tab in the left of the page. (yes it’s just a link to “contact us”, but it looks cool and i’ll develop it :slight_smile: )
Next, the “recent” page has scrolling titles if they’re too long. This will be applied to the “hot topics” panel as well.
Also, the recent tab sorts correctly when using proper dates!
Keeping the development going :slight_smile:

Hi, I would use Wordpress to make tutorials since it’s so easy and quick. I’ll help you guys with some scripting and stuff (I know linux web languages well), and I might write a few tutorials, but I won’t do video tutorials because I am a terrible speaker (I speak too fast and I ramble on about stuff off-topic… lol). Edit: Also, you shouldn’t PAY FOR HOSTING!!! I use Zymic ( You get 6GB storage and 50GB bandwidth, and full FTP. Only problem is you can’t have mail() function in PHP (which is used mainly for contact forms). Then, use for a free domain! I can set it up for you if you like. You can send me your current site (in a backup zip file) and I’ll upload it to a site for you (If you want).

Also, please compress your website’s image files. It takes me about a minute to load each page @ 1mbit/s :frowning:

That’s odd!? Is this the icons? they’re already compressed, however the rest of the site is not. This i shall change :slight_smile:

It’s alright; I’ve plenty of experience with web hosting. I currently use x10, but pay for my domain at 5£ a year. I will extend the same to the site, because it doesn’t host videos on site, therefore little bandwidth is used

A call for help:
I have just edited some things on a Mac, and both Safari and Crome show a formatting error.
Could you see if the tab on the right hand side (it looks like this: is aligned right?

Looks fine in Chrome (at least for me).

I’ve fixed the error (I’d over written a css file!).
Additionally, i’ve tweaked the scrolling, added image compression to icons and reformatted the tutorials so that they appear in uniform blocks.
You may notice that the mouseover color indicator sticks to some tutorial links; i think it may just be a loophole in the hover code, i may be wrong.

Firefox / Ubuntu:

The scrolling texts are moving way too fast (to read).
The “enter” button styled images are misaligned (bit below the rules, overlapping the one beneath)
And some of the images are indeed quite heavy for their purpose: thumbnails are full sized:

And load pretty slow (I have 40mb download, and never did see images build up… not even images a lot larger then these).
But could have been a temporarily slowdown in the connection still…