Starting a BGE tutorial/development website

Thanks Crumpet!
I did ask about the images, and no one had the error. It was just Firefox. I fixed it today as a matter of fact; apparently aligning an element right (float:right) doesn’t perform correctly unless it is the first element in the container.
New tutorial thumbnails are re-sized to 60*60 to save bandwidth. They have been for some time, but of course old tutorials won’t have been modified. I will compress the existing ones at a later date.

Future Plans:

  • Features:
    Features will be articles, tips and news blogs to instruct the user on how to acheive certain functions in the Game Engine. They could be external sources, or internal.
  • Members:
    Members will be able to rate and subscribe to tutorials. They will be included in a mailing list, and have the option to use more advanced features (potentially)
  • Admins:
    Admins will be able to add, remove and modify their own tutorials.
    More to come

Also, It appears that some new security regulations had disabled the contact us link!
It’s now working, so apologies if we didn’t reply!

fixed a category bug.

For those who find errors - this is what the site should look like
(Google Chome)

Firefox doesn’t like the positioning of the adverts, so i’ll look into that shortly.

Looks great, congratulations and also I’m sure Monster would like to see this (bottom left). :wink:

Ubuntu 11.10 / FireFox 9.0.1
Just some general feedback.

no scripts allowed (default)

with scripts allowed (given access)

It is not clear that you have to click the “enter” button at the end,
would make more sense to be able to hover over for the first preview and click as a permanent link (opening the content)?

The texts (still) scroll too fast IMHO.
Also they end at the last letter, a reset to original position or loop would be handier?

Home page with no scripts
See next post.


(image limit - proceed)
home page without scripts allowed:

home page with scripts allowed:

Titles are quite large,
easier to read of font was smaller so it shows more of the title.

deleted an image which went wrong, but couldn’t integrate it anymore with edit, so here it is:
home without scripts allowed:

Hi all,

It appears that there may be some minor changes to the GUI… and several new features, for the BGE.
Harmony (Cucumber Branch) is scheduled for integration in February.

You might want to cross check before recording new tutorials that your buttons won’t be moving :slight_smile:


Which brings a new point of feedback:
There probably should be a field with every video informing the details of with exactly which software the video has been made? :eyebrowlift2:

Blender version (release:…)
Plugins used (name and version)
Other tools used (i.e. Gimp; Version)

I somehow ommitted the aforementioned details; it’ll be on soon enough. About the scripts; preventing scripts on most websites makes them look bad, and to be honest, i don’t expect anyone in a 2012 age to be avoiding javascript; that is inadequate.
Lastly, I may rethink the category page as you said.

Haha that expectation might need some rethinking, seen the earlier posts by my hand :smiley:
Just kidding, but simply allowing Javascript by default is not something I would recommend anyone. (anti - script plugins exist for a reason)

(I always check the site before actually allowing anything, (for security and privacy reasons) and most websites just look fine without allowing scripts. This prevents broken script (loops) and malfunctioning sites, also helps preventing problems in shady situations - but hey, that’s just me :wink: )

But I certainly do understand the design choice. Just it might be of interest to keep an eye of how the site looks without the scripts, so the site at least does show some form of intended information. :wink:

Well, I am a firm believer that javascript is not deprecated, it forms a core to many applications; so it shouldn’t be disabled. I support adverts - they create revenue after all.

I took an other look to see the progress and provide some feedback.

Ubuntu / Firefox:
I notice that the sections links do not work here (with scripts allowed):

These do not function (at this pc):
00:00: - Introduction
01:05: - Laying out the workspace
01:58: - Things to be covered
02:43: - Variables
04:50: - Print Statement
06:16: - Assigning Variables
07:27: - Integers
07:49: - Floats
09:24: - Strings
12:38: - Lists
18:30: - Dictionaries

But since the times are shown in front, the times can be found, so nice functionality and well thought through IMO.
That it doesn’t function yet might be WIP status, don’t know but reported it anyway just to be sure. :slight_smile:

Also (very minor / personal):
at the end of the page there hardly any space between the last text and the bottom:
This series will cover a large array of the basics of python in and out of the bge
a bit space below it will easy reading / scrolling IMHO.

Tried again, this time on a Windows/Firefox combination and these do work (now).
Firefox 8.1

So, some targets:

I’m going to get the members working, for admin and user - to enable subscriptions potentially.
Then, it’s on to fixing the adverts / other things for FireFox users.
After that I’ll ask for experienced Game Engine users to become authors.

Side Note:
The logo i’ve used is a place holder. It’s a bit dull, and we need a favicon too!
Could anyone come up with a good logo and favicon? I can’t offer anything, other than official logo for the site!

When all the above is done, I may consider buying the domain and “launching”

An orange capital G with the blender logos three… things?

An logo for the BGE (Blender Game Engine),
based on the original Blender logo.

As Icon:

As Logo:

If these are usable I can provide the SVG’s (original vectors),
but these are not accepted as image inside a post.
Also an favicon will be provided if you want / like this.

Some feedback considerations, based on the suggestions above:

  • Capital G
  • Blender Stripes (Wild Hair) :slight_smile:
  • The hard (dark blue) stripes can be seen as the bones of the outline (light blue) body
  • Blender Blue
  • Orange left out to differ (BGE vs the complete 3d package)
  • The G with the “eye” mimics the retro game figure: Pacmac with Wild Hair

Well, I personally really like this logo. I like that it has the classic Blender logo, with a G for game and bge after it. I find it simple yet efficient. Great job and thanks for making this. =P

Thanks for your positive reaction. :slight_smile:

I received some feedback at BGE Blender Game Engine logo as well.
And the feedback provided was targeting the the inconsistent alignment of the Blender Stripes.
Which I personally feel is the only thing I am not confident about.

That said, the alignment is directly derived from the original non-metric alignment. Which I suppose is meant to be the artistic reference to non-metric shapes.

Based on this feedback I will make a variation, to integrate the proposed changes.
And post back here. And we’ll see how things work out.

To continue :slight_smile:

I would consider tweaking the dark blue to match the blender logo original shape rather then tweaking the original shape.

Perfect regular shapes don’t really look the best (as the ‘remake’ examples on game blender show well).

BTW, good logo - a clear improvement over my original idea.