Steampunk Competition

Another update

This is what the final will look like

Good modeling, Thetax. Will he be hanging at the balloon or is the balloon flying away?

He will be holding a fan to blow on the engine. It is supposed to be comedic. It’s kind of like, the man thinks that blowing on a short-circuited engine will fix everything. :slight_smile:

Latest update. So far, I’m not liking the progress. The concept i had originally isn’t playing out so well. May change up a few things. Anybody have any ideas on how i could change it?

Maybe he could be holding on to the balloon’s engine because the basket he was standing in has come loose and is falling off? Would add some tension to the scene.

You could have the basket still attached by one or two teathers, but hanging down about to fall.

I apologize for not being on here lately. The thing is, i gave up on this project because i saw no way to handle it. i saw a dead end. i started on a new steampunk project, but there’s no way i can finish that before the deadline. I only realized that today. Also, today after school, i was sketching random things and sketched an idea to change this for the better. So, here i am, back in business.

This was the render i made today. Changed up the angle a bit. Is it better or worse? This one gives it more of a story than the previous ones.

It’s too dark, i see that now. It’s just that i forgot to activate the layer with the sun. I’ll do a render right now with that fixed and post it.

Hey, Thetax, good to hear that you continue with this. All the work that you put into it should be taken to a good end.

What comes to my mind, when I look at your last render, is an engineer who tries to keep a balloon at the ground. The balloon is striving to get into the air, with all his might and the engineer is pulling against it - also with all his power. Perhaps the whole scene could be located on top of some starting-/ landing-tower. You could show only the top of that tower. That would reduce the amount of modeling work, because you can model only the top of the tower.

Just thinking loud. Keep at it, man :slight_smile:

Hey man, hope you still have time to get this finished before the deadline :slight_smile:

I agree with what minoribus said, it’s a good idea for a scene. Instead of just a sky image in the background :slight_smile:

looking forward to you’re next update mate… Good luck with the Comp :smiley: