Steampunk Competition

Node setup for the leather

How the pouches look on the model:

Nice textures, but the shader is way too glossy, increase the roughness of the glossy shader… and use a fresnel or layer weight node to mix it with the diffuse.

Also, when editing U.V’s via a mapping node, change it from “Point” to “Vector” :slight_smile:

Another good idea would be to make the colour of your glossy shader whiter :slight_smile:

For some odd reason, I just can’t seem to get the material i want. It keeps coming out like this. But, i think i’ll keep this for now. How is it?

can i see the current node setup? it’s a definate improvement on the last one, but still needs tweaking :slight_smile:

Here you go

Hey man :slight_smile: I’ve done a quick example of a leather shader for you. I created a quick test model and did a render of it.

With leather, you have to remember that it is cow skin, meaning it will have subsurface scattering, translucency (Slightly), along with diffuse and glossy. The shader isn’t perfect, but it can be easily tweaked to fit you’re scenes needs :slight_smile:

The shader -

The Render -

The .Blend -

(I uploaded the .Blend for you just in case you wanted to study it, theres a nice seamless leather texture in there and a good HDR from Andrew Price’s Nature Academy)

Oh my god, thank you so much!

I’ve pleasantly taken inspiration from your work and made an enhanced version of mine. I will post it as soon as the render is done. Thanks :slight_smile:

Also, may i ask if i can add you on Facebook? Or anyone reading this for that matter? Sometimes, i’m too busy to post it here. I need quick decisions, and i feel like if i message you for help and send a quick render, it’ll be much easier.

New ones


Looks better but it’s very saturated. I would tone it down and make it darker.

Is it just your light that is causing this?

I realized the fact of the saturation as soon as i posted here. As of now, it is darker because i added dirty vertex colors, used an attribute node, and joined it to the reflectivity. Now, only the edges are that saturated, purposely done to convey heavy usage. I’ll post a picture in a bit. Thank you for commenting :slight_smile:

Even newer version

A full render

Getting on to some more accessories. Currently making a stopwatch, because, let’s face it, what’s steampunk without stopwatch?

I see now that the insides need a lot more work.

Looking good man :slight_smile: glad i could help with the leather shader, it looks much better now.

I like the new stopwatch you’re making, the materials look great.

As for facebook, i would but to be honest, i’m on facebook less than i’m on here lol… But i will always help you with any issues if i can mate :smiley:

No problem about the Facebook thing :slight_smile: Anyway, here’s a new update on the entire model with textured accessories.

Looking good mate :slight_smile: are you planning to add straps to the characters pouches? at the moment it looks like they are stuck on to his leg, rather than attached

Oh, yes, definitely. That was my next approach too. I realized that after the render completed.
