STEP import

At the moment Windows 10 64-bit is the only supported platform. This is mentioned in the description at

The addon is currently Windows only, as said in the addon description page. Send me a private message and give me the email you bought the addon with and I can give you a refund.

@csg_fruiz: I’ll make an intermediate release. I should have something within a week. I’ll send everyone an email once it’s out.

Ah, I just sent a email to support for it not working in my setup, I didn’t remember this one. I guess i have to install blender in my virtual machine to get this working, right?

@ambi Is it possible to use bigger values than 2.0 for the deflection settings? Or is that a limitation of openCascade? Because I would like to decrease the polycount even more for some objects that I imported. Would be nice if we could go beyond 2.0

Thanks for that great addon! The quality of the import is really nice! Awesome job.

I’m currently trying to import a .step file inside a script. The basic is working fine:

bpy.ops.import_scene.occ_import_step(filepath = "some/path", filter_glob="*.step;*.stp;*.st")

But how do I change the import settings in the script? If I have a look at the autocompletion of the terminal I get this:

But no matter what I try to put in as “prg”, it always fails. (e.g. bpy.context.scene.stepper)

Is there anywhere an example how I could change import settings via script?
Thanks in advance!

This is what I’m looking for thx:)

I’m currently getting over a flu. I should be able to get back to your questions in a week or two.

I hope you get well soon, and hopefully it’s a regular flu.


Take care !
By the way your 1.0 version is more than amazing !

I enjoy your system that allows to rebuild selected objects.
But I saw in your code that each time the blend file is reloaded then the cache is lost.

I made a temporary button in order to rebuild the cache from a selected object (using the custom property “STEP_file”)
But that would be great if this cache could be written somewhere in order to get it quickly.

I tried to build a json file of the global_file_cache but some entrys are not compatible.

I stay tunned, I think this feature is in your roadmap :slight_smile:

Also would it be possible to apply scale directly during the import process ?


This add-on came magically on time!
I want to animate some medical instruments next week. And I got .stp files from the designer. I tried the older free add-on first and got good results.
I got the paid version yesterday and donated some beer money.
The plugin works like a charm! and fast!

When asking for STEP files is AP214 format a better option? Can/will STEPper take colour and layers into account?
Or is AP203 just fine and is there no difference in the two when importing STEP files with STEPper?

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I’m sure the developer @ambi can help you out.

It will be super useful if you are look into opennurbs support, like import rhino models.
I think there is no tools on linux for do that for today

Hy there, i purchased steper today and wanted to know what to do when the plutgin only creates two collections: (name).flat and (name).hierachy but no data inside or in the viewport…

btw: win10 pro, blender 2.82.7 (e-cycles)
thanks phil

Its not clear if stepper reads curves, line, or point entities … they may be ignored?

mhm, the file imports fine in rhino but i wanted to open them directly in blender. i have set up a workflow stp via rhino export dae import in blender… i think steper would be a shortcut :wink:

Hi, I create simple plugin to fill gap in current stepper that will create materials with color based on vertex color. This is simple script and it takes only first vertex color and create material based on it.
You can install it as normal plugin and it will show in Tool tab as CAD Tools and have only one option: Vertex Color to Material . Works with selected objects.
Tested only with blender 2.83

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Thanks ! you are the man ! i never saw a mesh converter from STEP so good! thanks a lot!

Hi, Ambi.

I got the Stepper addon and while it is a promising start and will be useful in some cases I’d like to already share my first thoughts. These seem to be mentioned in this long discussion thread alredy, but giving a bump for basic functionality to consider in future development.

1) If Step model is imported to Blender scene and the Step file is modified, it is not enough to delete the model in Blender and re-import, but whole Blender needs to be closed to open the updated Step file. Without closing Blender the Step import brings old model even though the step file is overwritten. Seems like it keeps it in some cache and as the Step filename stays same it does not load it from file, but from cache. This should be modified for people who work with CAD software or adjust CAD model, but would render or animate in blender.

2) Rebuilding selected geometry works fine otherwise, but if the Blender file is closed and re-opened, then the model is not rebuildable anymore. Maintaining the cache or link to original Step file for rebuilding geometry even after reloading scene would be very good. Now it reduces the benefit to have the Step model directly in Blender as it model be basically meshed only once like if would be meshed in other software. If the user modifies geometry then it can lose connection to original Step file. Could even be an extra option like: Bake Mesh for users to clearly see when losing the connection to the original model.

3) Is there some extra meshing possibilities with Open Cascade that are not used? I had some issues on rails and other geometry as the meshing is randomly triangulated in freeform geometry. FreeCAD standard meshing method creates cleaner mesh to those parts and it uses Open Cascade as well. Attached is an image of a simple form that presents the issue. Side views are basically ok, even not visually clean, but in bottom of image I have closeup top views of the geometry that shows cleaner straight profile on side of pipe in Freecad. In lower meshing quality the difference is even more prominent. Comparison is with FreeCAD as it’s freely availbale, but of course nice would be to have mesh output comparable to Rhino, Moi3D, etc.

Basic functionality works already well and hopefully development continues as I believe there is lot of demand for this.


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Hey Ambi, I purchased the Stepper and tried importing the .step file but keep getting the following error. how to solve that?