stereotypical alien thingy, but with hair...

DUDE, That right ther is just awesomo! SMURF!!!

What is this!
The Chupacabras??? :o

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



you are the hairmaster. you should make a tut.

Hey, look, we HAVE to try critiquing it SOMEHOW! I’m doing the best I can!

@ndy has told us that he used particles for the hair.

I would like to know what the settings for the texture and material of those particles was!

Pretty please … :expressionless:

Luuuurvely. The hair turned out great - shaded static particles have always given me painful experiences. Any chance of us seeing what it looks like in motion? Or even just a rotation?

Cheers (and see ya at the conf ;))

A stereotypical aliean thing and a stereotypical “omg @ndy your so godlike can we have those material settings plz thnx” thread to go with it!

its a complete set!

ooooh, leeeader.

We’re green with envy.

This is the only image I’ve seen on Elysiun that I can’t find anything wrong with.

click me

Ah, what the heck - it’s f*cking awesome. Oh that’s 2 words.

GUNGGG! I love it! It’s incredible!!! :o

The hair on the head looks great, but the chin bothers me a bit. it makes it look cartoony. Do you have a render without the chinhair?

Also, I think the image would benefit hugely from a vague background image instead of the black.


I Was giddy when I saw a post in the Finished Projects by @ndy, and never one to disapoint, you blew me away again! … someday I wont suck. :-? Keep up the good work.

LMAO. and alien with a goetee…PRICELESS!

My new wallpaper. :smiley:

andy, do me a huge favor. get yourself a header at

just post in the gallery. We need more blender users there. :smiley: I’d be willing to bet money that this would get the prized header. :smiley:

Occasionaly I drift and wish I could afford those expensive CG packages just to have a play around. I gaze at those incredible images with DOF, subsurface scattering (and so on) made by messiah or softimage or whatever.

Then I come back to elysiun for a little comfort. Luckily, every time I see one of @ndy’s images I realise EVERYTHING I wish I could do is right there in Blender (and I simply don’t have the talent).

Yet another incredibly image by @ndy.


For one thing you can use Yafray for DOF and there is someone in the python forum developing an SSS script.

Why wouldn’t you have the talent? To become a good artist is nothing but hard work.

  • Bentagon

Wow, very nice job on the pic. All ur pics are good. I went to ur site and was like :o :o

@andy: god amongst men.

Stunning. If I were that good when relaxing I’d be a seriously happy bunny. (I am actually, but it’s nothing to do with that . . .)

About all I can say is… Amazing! The hair is some of the best I’ve ever seen in blender. Wouldn’g mind seeing your material settings :wink:
I have to agree about the eyes though, they don’t seem to have much depth to them.