Subsurface Scattering colour

Hi Friends…

I used to be able to precisely mix in a texture for the sss colour input… now that it is gone (fix things that aren’t broken, it’s 2023 after all), what awkward work around (using many nodes, probably) do I have to add in order to achieve the same results as with this simple input?


Thank you kindly and Merry Xmas.

add an image to the roughness input
it will affect all the colors

happy bl

The new principled shader now uses the base colour as the “Subsurface colour”.
With full subsurface weight you get the same effect like this.



The trricky bit is that before you could set a different base colour and lower the subsurface weight. To get the same result now you can do this:



The value input is the subsurface weight value (use values from 0 to one)
You can use that value as a factor to mix the base colour with the subsuface image (or texture) for the base colour.

If you set the subsurface to Random Walk (skin) you will get very similar results as before.

Well yes 2.

I edited because I was complicating it too much.


Yes, I need it back also since almost all my Character Models rely on Color Mask in their SSS I need to be able to Plug in that data…( A greyscale, like plugging it into the roughness doesn’t work for me…

But the Good news is there is also a SSS Node hidden in there…

So for now, that’s what I will be using…


Alright. Thank you so much for presenting some workarounds, guys! :slight_smile:

To the Blender Devs: Bring the darn colour input back! It can’t be that we have to now add multiple notes to achieve something we were able todo with one freaking node-noodle into a designated input!

Or just leave the hard drugs alone… lol

The only problem I see with that one is that you loose the surface roughness (it is roughness 1).

With the mix colour shader before the Principled shader you can still lower the roughness of the surface:

Yep, but then again you could always mix in a glossy.
But yes, now it is starting to get out of hand, for something I believe should be left in the shader…Maybe it was just overlooked as it is still present in others, like specular, coat, sheen, etc.

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I agree that the sub surface colour input should have been left in the principled shader, Artistic choice and rule bending are part of the game (and fun), I am also not keen on clamping inputs.

Before the principled shader was there we had to construct it with many low level nodes, it seems that now we have to do the same to acheive certain effects.


Preferable with a fresnel node though. Or a custom fresnel node which accounts for roughness if going PBR.