Surface Follow from 2016 Blender Conference

Thanks Luca!
Regarding what I said in Blender 2.7x development thread:

With the knowledge that you have acquired with Surface deform modifier, do you think it would be a hard work to improve Shrinkwrap modifier? :slight_smile:

I would love to know how to code just to be able to make that amazing Texture Hack script work with Cycles! It´s not getting the attention it deserves, probably because it´s only mentioned in the end of the introvideo and is hence overshadowed by the giant that is surface follow. Should have its own thread imo, well deserves it!

Thanks for the compliment. I’m open to suggestions about the workflow if I were to implement the texture transforms for cycles. Would people want the tool to manipulate the image based on the active texture node? Should the tool modify the existing uv map or add a transform node and leave the uv map alone? Should there maybe be a list of images used by a material and the user could select the image they want to move? I’m not sure I’ve worked enough with cycles to know the best workflow. Thoughts?

How can I get blender theme from the first OP video?

I’m not sure I know what “OP” is. The theme I’m using in the first video on this thread is one of the defaults in the user preferences: “Science Lab”

“Original Post” (or poster ?)
You didn’t mention that you also need to have Region Overlap enabled in System to get the transparency.


Thanks for the compliment. I’m open to suggestions about the workflow if I were to implement the texture transforms for cycles. Would people want the tool to manipulate the image based on the active texture node? Should the tool modify the existing uv map or add a transform node and leave the uv map alone? Should there maybe be a list of images used by a material and the user could select the image they want to move? I’m not sure I’ve worked enough with cycles to know the best workflow. Thoughts?

Sorry for the delayed reply, it´s not due to lack of appretiation, but due to having no internet access last week.
I think using the active texture node allows for the most intuitive and also the quickest workflow: Just drag and drop any image into the node editor and instantly manipulate it on top of your selected mesh in 3d view: doesn´t get better than that. If you could do that without manipulating the UV map, that would be just incredible!

I´m thinking for exemple: working with an ID-Map based workfow and quickly manipulating the coordinates of the textures related to the different ID-Masks independently or quickly placing, rotating and scaling logos and details (normal detail elements f. ex. which then can be baked right into an existing normal map without messing with the uv map of the mesh). It would be a huge timesaver compared to messing around with the mapping node based on either a generated or an objectbased coordinate system for each texture.

Due to popular demand, I added the ability to preserve the exact UV map in the UV_shape tool. Normally it would rescale uv islands in 3D space to match the scale of the 3D object. If you disable the “Rescale Islands” option it will match the uv map in 3d (provided the 3d object is ripped to allow for the same uv layout)

Yay !
Now where is the Autosplit geometry button gone ?

Oops. Forgot I added the autosplit geometry option. Winmerge FTW!!

Thanks !

it seems to be working on my system. I just pulled the code off github and my menu looks like the image:

@ChameleonScales Thanks for making the cool gif!

You’re too fast man, you reply to my posts while I edit them !
Ok I’m probably the one who shouldn’t post before I’m sure I’m done.

Did you see the 2 pull requests ?

I’m a little new to Github so I wasn’t sure what to do with the pull requst. I merged the changes you made.
Thanks for your input!!!

Awesome job ! Thx !
I was trying to install this into Blender 2.79… could not seem to get it to work… is it still compatible ?

Trying to test the addon but I get this error as soon as I click on “Move Texture” on 2.79 - OSX.

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.79/scripts/addons/tabs_interface/”, line 1334, in invoke
bpy.ops.wm.activate_panel( tabpanel_id = self.tabpanel_id, panel_id = self.single_panel, category = self.category, shift=self.shift)
File “/Applications/blender-2.79-macOS-10.6/”, line 189, in call
ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
RuntimeError: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.79/scripts/addons/tabs_interface/”, line 1261, in execute
apanel =getattr(bpy.types, self.panel_id)
AttributeError: ‘RNA_Types’ object has no attribute ‘Sv3DPanel’

location: /Applications/blender-2.79-macOS-10.6/

location: <unknown location>:-1

You have Luca Rood implementation of similar thing in Blender official release. Search for “Surface Deform” modifier.

I know the new modifier thanks, but I can not do what I see in 10:11 of this video. Any help is very welcome :slight_smile:

Does it allow you to move textures on the viewport? That’s the feature I was looking for.