Surface Follow from 2016 Blender Conference

sorry to be botherin, but i’m really eager to ask if it’s possible to somehow tinker about the plugin and make it work like this:

after you create the uv map and apply your object to the surface, you have a history link, so, for example, when you change the shape of the object on the plane (uv map), it would also change it’s shape accordingly on the surface, and the reverse situation, when you change it on the applied surface and the changes are applied to the object on the plane. Hope you see what i mean.
Sorry for bothering

I think I see what you mean. Maybe this is something Luca can work into his modifier, hint hint.
The difficulty I can envision here is that it takes time to calculate the nearby faces and generate the scalars.
There may be a way to work with multiple sets of bind data or allow interpolating between different sets so the object could change shape as well as conform to a changing surface. Might have to email Luca with this idea. I can’t think of a really simple way to do it but it would be really cool.
Great suggestion!

I made a tutorial using also your amazing addon.

watch at 9:26

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Awesome man. That hand is incredibly detailed. Thanks for sharing. Also thanks for the props in the video. I’ll be following your tutorials. You have some great stuff.

Just found this addon through Max’s video! Absolutely amazing :smiley:
Can’t wait to test this myself! Awesome job dude!!!

Great! Let me know if you do something cool with it.


I just read the latest posts in this thread, so I’ll answer the questions about the SDef modifier.

It is not yet in master, thus not on the buildbots. This is not something you can just commit to master without some more extensive testing and review, thus it is currently under review here:

Currently the only way to test it is to build Blender yourself with the patch applied (btw, testers are highly appreciated :)).

Regarding the dynamic bind thing (modified mesh deformation propagation), I can think of two methods for that, one is ridiculously simple, but will undoubtedly give horrible results, the other might give decent results, but is very convoluted and will take up huge amounts of RAM. I don’t intend to implement such feature any time soon, as I currently I have bigger priorities for SDef, such as a UV bind method with a new interpolation algorithm. but it would indeed be nice to have… Who knows, maybe in the distant future :stuck_out_tongue:

Great to see that people are having nice ideas for this feature, and are experimenting away with Rich’s tool :slight_smile:

Is there any chance that the script is adjusted for Cycles?

I haven’t noticed anyone playing with the code. It really should be quite simple to do. I’m already mapping all the transforms to an x and y offset. The code would just need to feed that data into the cycles texture instead of the blender render texture.

There would be some workflow considerations. It would have to work on active nodes or something.
Maybe someone has some thoughts?

Hi Richcolburn,

many thanks for your answer.

Maybe someone has interest sometimes to Employ.

Thank you Richcolburn for this amazing plugin!!!
Stupid question here: Is there a way to automate ripping up the geometry based on the UV map (or seams… or something similar)? I’ve looked all over blender trying to see if there is an existing function. :frowning:

I don’t know of a way to automatically split up the geometry. It could certainly be done though. There is a step in the uv unwrapping process in the uv shape addon that separates the pieces in the uv map. I might be able to throw an extra step in there that would split the geometry based on existing uv islands.
I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.

Thank you Richcolburn! :smiley:

I was trying to install this into Blender 2.78a… could not seem to get it to work… is it still compatable?

It should still work with the latest versions of blender. The scripts need to be installed one at a time. I didn’t set it up to do all three. If all else fails you could try running the script in a text editor.

Just added a feature to the uv shape tool. There is now a button that will split the geometry of your 3D object based on the uv islands in the active UV map. Make sure you select the option to use the active UV map.
The code with the added feature is here:

It hasn’t been tested much so let me know if you come across any bugs.

I didn’t set it up to do all three.

ooooohhhhh… sorry… I missed that some where in reading the thread…


Wow looks so powerful, well done sir!

Just letting everyone know that the Surface Deform Modifier is now in master. You can grab it in the next daily build :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Luca.
& just to let you know, you’re among stars now
The Blender Cosmos