Taipans Sketchbook

Bicycle tires made by pattern…Array and Curve Modifier…Can use a Mirror Modifier and only make half pattern.

It’s fun to make tire treads after a pattern…Puff Puff

Some close up…A funny thing if you ask someone to draw a bike that works only 20% will take out a bike that can run…Here they are…:slight_smile:

A test render of what I have for now…Only bassic shader + Light 1 hdr


Still something to model on the bicycle…Here is a Matcap shot of the bicycle…Matcap is very useful…Puff Puff

Thought the Airhorn would be difficult to make…But with a Bezier Curve it was so easy as a Airballon…:slight_smile:

Hope You enjoy I do…Cheers…:slight_smile:

A few test with the GREAT PBR Materiale Addon and Light setup with the Nice Lumiere Addon…
Light Hmm…There is also the Light Studio Addon…Damn…Time time…:slight_smile:

Will take a break from the bicycle and work a little on mobilhome…Puff Puff


Was a little tired of modeling detail so I try to create a location…Hope I can learn a little bit more about addons to complete the modeling.

Painted a background picture in Krita…Have to use a little more time with Krita it is Damn NICE…:slight_smile:
A few shots with the background.

Light 1 hdri.


One more…:slight_smile:

Hope I can get get a litlle closer to what I want…:slight_smile:

A few close up shots of items for the mobile home.

With 2 Beizer Curve… 1 as profile it’s pretty easy to make some damn nice shape…With a clean mesh…:slight_smile:

Used it for the Sturmlanternen ( Bats lamp ) ?..So many new’s Addons to play with…:slight_smile:


A Render…1 basic Hdr for light…Shaders are from Pbr Addon.

Need a few more models to mobile home…Not sure what it will be…Puff Puff


Looking fabulous! Keep it up! :slight_smile:

Hi m_squared

Thank You…I will work a little more on it but I begin to run tired in it…:slight_smile:
Your Examination is over…Right…All well and fine ?..:slight_smile:

Here is a little update…Puff Puff

Matcap shot of some new models.

And a Render in 3 viewport My Gpu Couldn’t render it but Cpu did…:slight_smile:

Last is right side ful…Puff Puff


Time to get a little more experience in animation…Had a little fun with Grease Pencil and a old Disney movie…To get some idea about timing and try some of the damn many new possibilities in the updated GP.

I believe there will go a long time before I just understand/learn a liitle about all the tool there are…But Blender is amazing…The way thing is done is so easy when first learned…Here is a Noobs try to make another animation…I will laugh when I look back in 3 years…:slight_smile:

Here are the Gp animation…From a old Disney movie…It’s just a draw over the animation in viewport.
It help Me to see movement in frames.

Try to make a low poly Lucky Luke for rigging and animation…Just to learn a little more through some small test…:slight_smile:


Thought I will make location a little town…:slight_smile:

Jolly Jumper an first set of house…Will make a few detail later…:slight_smile:


Lucky Luke and his trusty horse! My childhood favourite! Can’t wait for more! :smiley:

Here is a little more…:slight_smile:

Yea…Lucky Luke was My Hero too. some 50 year ago…:slight_smile:

All figure are made from a round cube…Very easy to work with/extrude from…and keep the mesh clean.

I will make a few more model import a Pinup Girl and maybe make a few pose for some shot…:slight_smile:

Cheers… Hope You enjoy it m_squared…Puff Puff

1 more :slight_smile:


They all look pretty good, but the horse is the best looking in my opinion. Daltons and Luke have a strange faces, while the horse doesn’t. Keep it up!

Yea they aren’t the way I want them to be…It was a try to make a mouth easy to animate…I will try again later…:slight_smile:

Some other model…Hope I some day can animate them.

What’s up…M_squared…Good time…:slight_smile:



Hey Taipan! Long time no see! You new models look really good. Did you rig them?
Good news from my side. I graduated! yay! Now I will have more time to dedicate to modeling!

Lucky Luke! Love it. Love the sketchebook. Keep it up.

Thank You Kalinaki I’m glad You like My Sketchbook…:slight_smile:

Damn Your…Animated Short Progress…Look real great…What happened to it…I will go through the thread later…Puff Puff

M_squared…Yea long time…But I have been buzy…lol

Nice to hear You Graduated…Congratulation…Cheers Cheers…Clap clap…:slight_smile:

Figure only have some simple rig…Lool I’m a noob here too…But it’s great fun to play with.

Right now I’m fooling around with some Meccano toy’s…After I saw a great thread in…Works in progress…

Here a shot.

Used Krita to make the cover shot on meccano box…:slight_smile:


Glad you find it interesting. It’s on hold at the moment. I’m trying to finish my first novel so all my focus is on that at the moment. But I’m constantly gathering inspiration and new things that could make my live easier.

Enough about that. I must say your Lucky Luke stuff is quite amazing, among other things. Used to be one of my favorite cartoons as a child. You captured it nicely. /thumbs up.

Kalinaki I just read you Wip…Damn…It’s really much work you have done…Your sculpting skill is great…Your figure is cool and
the module You make looks real great too…A shame You didn’t get more response…On that great thread…Cheers

Yea Lucky Luke and Asterix was My heroes to…Can’t tell how many times I draw them in My younger day’s…I still like to draw them…:slight_smile:
But doing it in Blender is another world…I would love to animate them but I’m still in My modelling state.

I tried to make Lucky Lukes mouth , animation frindly but I failed…:slight_smile:
Thank for Your nice word…Puff Puff

Right now I’m on a Meccano trip…I can’t stop…Lol

Here a Motor Cran…I only do the modelling for now…Light , shaders and location… will come later…Maybe…:slight_smile:

Another one…:slight_smile:

Still need to make a few thing…This is FUN…Could be cool to make all the parts…:slight_smile:
Just downloaded a new allign Addon…Meccano will be perfect to test it.

Link here…http://www.blendernation.com/2016/11/05/blender-add-ori-helps-align-objects-free/


A few more of the meccano toy’s…I will be back later…Wanna make them all…Hmmmm:)

a test render…Used Lumiere Light Addon…It’s pretty cool…I still have to test Studio light Addon…Have played a little
with it , and it pretty cool tool.

A Seaplane…Was fun to play with…Need to make some different now…:slight_smile:


Will try to make a garden…Make some insect and see if it can give/show Me what to do…:slight_smile: …Puff Puff

A start…hmmmm

It will be comic style.

Reused some old model as background…Just a quick setup…Hmmm…Will try to paint ant and bee.

Painted ant…I only used 3 base color and smear them together…No highlight no shadow…A simple node setup…A diffuse
and a clossy…Used displacement in materiale.
