Tata Motors India has launched NANO, the world’s cheapest car at $2500…got so hooked to it that i HAD to model this…this is the progress so far…hope it turns out good
Admittedly, the car looks kinda ugly from this angle…i have been tweaking the mesh around and doing minor fixes (and i realized that i had had totally forgotten to model the tail lights :D)…anyway, here is it again…thanks in advance for the crits and comments…also, any suggestions for the scene? i am thinking of doing a small corner of a car showroom, but i will have to do that with BI as i am not too comfortable with yafray lighting (i could never get those emitting meshes to be like the area lights we have always known in blender)??
update 9: fixed the tire material, tweaked the lighting to make the exterior less exposed.
I am once again considering of taking it to indigo but i am really apprehensive about render times. This took just under 7 good hours in blender internal (meshes at subsurf level 3, 3 area lights with samples=8), any guesses how much time will indigo take to give acceptable results on this one??
trying to get the body in shape. As the car has just been launched last week, there are hardly any hi-res pix available online let alone blueprints. I just have a side sketch that is holding me good so far and a number of medium res pix…lets if i am able to pull it off.
Dudes, a car’s a freaking car, a frame with an engine and 4 wheels, seats and a steering wheel. and some metal sheets to cover it up. It’s ONLY real function is to get someone or something from point A to B. Pretty is just a matter of taste and hardly the reason why you should go for a specific car in the first place. this particular model doesn’t really look any prettier or uglier than the average car to me, but if it’s cheap and doesn’t consume to much fuel, all is well.
The model (mesh) looks good, nice start. with such limited references, it’s a really nice job as it looks now, keep it up. Maybe you could even email the creators of this car if you like, to at least get some better reference images, side/front/top etc, they just might comply with that.
@FreakyDude well a car is not just a frame with a engine and 4wheels etc… There is a whole lot more about it.
Security is just one of the things and then there is always the enviroment and I can see where a car for 2500$ will lead especially in a country like India or China. there has to be a better alternative then this… and SUVs are definitly not it (They suck even more)
well, for many people a car is rarely just a mode of commute. It touches on so many aspects of an individual’s life: emtional, self-image, aesthetic, the pleasure of driving, an extension of personality, and yes utalitarin. A lot of people (including the Chairman of SUZUKI which sells its cars in India in a JV with the Indian Government) were skeptical about the safety and emission specifications of the car but surprisingly it meets all safety norms and the Euro IV emission standards. And as for Thomas Freidman’s comment about where this car is going to lead a country like India which is already burdened with traffic on poor infrastructure i just have to say “COME ON, lets not freak out just as yet”. India has a huge lower middle class who could so far only have dreamt of owning a car; this is the car that will allow them to drive for the first time in thier lives. So lets not run down a good innovation by our skepticism. As i said before, many times, a car is not just a car.
Thanks everyone for thier comments. And who minds a hijacked thread if it makes for some good discussion.
i think i am almost done with the body model (just a few parts remaining here and there: mirrors, brake calipers, etc etc.) unless ofcourse u guys tell me how else to improve on it…
and hey, thanx cipix for making me discover the mirror modifier…i never knew it existed there!! thnx a lot. Could u please take a close look at the car and tell me how to improve on it? last heard, u were not too happy with my citroen traction
here comes the dashboard…i plan to uv map it, but not now, maybe later. i guess right now i will happy taking exterior shots of the car so the details can wait a little. anyway, time to sleep now, its 5:50 am here…don’t even know how many classes do i have today…drat! i wanna blend all the time (whine…whine…)
That was fast.
Did you know that the transmission was built here in Canada (Quebec)?
If it is any good you should go sell it on TurboSquid: it’ll be one of the first, if not the first and it’s a nice feeling to see that someone is willing to pay for what we’ve done, especially in Blender.
okay, NOw i think the modeling is almost done. Redid the door edges and the windshield…time now to move on to materials and rendering ? Or is there still things that need to be fixed??
Cool. I see a slight issue with the corner of the front bumper. It pokes out too much and not enough of a smooth flow. Just a slight bit of smoothing needed. You check your renders against the pics on Tata’s website.