TBW - An UpBGE Blender Game!

Hey there @justwannapost here’s a link to all the Builds of UPBGE Both Linux and MAC :sunglasses::+1:

Everything UPBGE:

  • Look its not complete but it can make a fully featured and complete Game from the Ground UP , all old versions of UPBGE the Graphics/ Visuals are locked to your hardware’s specifications and also your abilities and skills as a Game Dev or hobbyist!

Porting to Web hmmm :thinking: its Highly possible however there is a Blend4Web addon that will allow you to do this but its no easy way.

initially all i can say to you buddy @justwannapost is that if u wanna make games:
BGE/ UPBGE = Hardcore way since you’ll have to build yr game from the ground up all D.I.Y unless you have a team. (Resources will help you big time as well and tutorials)

Unreal Engine 4/ GODOT/ Armory = The easy way out much has already been done for you but u wont have so much control like what UPBGE and BGE give you !!!
(Lol guys i know that GODOT also allows you to build from the ground up but yeah, for me workflow is just so much easier in Blender than in any other software atm)

so choose carefully and choose Wisely! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:
(I wish you all the best buddy)


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