Tell me Why?

I hate Disney, but creative answer.

“How” is a largely more lovely subject I’m afraid.

But why is more relevant

What is relevance? What makes something more relevant than something else?

tell me wahahahay you cry

Have you tried root causing this using the ‘5 Whys’?

Please tell me why
The car is in the front yard and I’m
Sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night

I asked ‘tell me why’ to this AI Dungeon GPT-3 powered game, went with zombie scientist mode: the answer?
"“David, come on! We have to keep looking,” you say. “That’s the only way we’re going to survive.”

AI Dungeon

Why? :yawning_face: To be.
Be bothered unless unfulfilled, incomplete until perfection. Perfect when one does no longer why. So one can choose for self becoming a being of ability to be… or is not, is why.

I… just love, admire.

Telling why won’t make you see it. :wink:

Why ask why? Try Bud Dry.

because stupidity reigns supreme. :grin:

the answer is relevance. relevance makes something relevant. Duh.

Hmmm. This is an interesting reply. To which I reply,(

What about Debbie fry?

…Well this forum post escalated quickly…

This forum post got surprisingly deep.

I do not know why. That is why.

Because I do not understand why.

What did he say about the why?

Hmm, yes. The floor here is made out of floor.